
Showing posts from December, 2012

The State of Today's Society

Now, I'm not trying to come off like I know everything so bare with me in this note. Yesterday, a senseless crime took place on an elementary school grounds leaving twenty little children dead along with six adults plus the gunman himself.  Before this, there was Columbine; Gabby Gifford, A federal Judge and a young child attending a outing among others;then we have a open fire in a Movie theater, we have Virgina Tech, then we have the Mall shooting.  Everyone is screaming GUN CONTROL!  But I must ask you to take a step back and think. Our founding fathers who laid out our Constitutional Amendments and the Bills of Rights did not intent for guns to be used in such a senseless way.  Now, we all know that the second is "The right to bear arms"- it was intended for military use, sports, hunting and protection.  Now, I think the "protection" part is the part where I feel some has abused it more than the other reasons intended for the rights to b