
Showing posts from May, 2014

CI Journey: What it's like a year and a half later

As I have been trying to play catch up, life tends to get busy and obviously I'm still trying to catch up.  I am usually responding or answering questions among others on FB in regards to the CIs (Cochlear Implant(s)) and HAs (Hearing Aid(s)) but I know I haven't really been on much.  So my apologies. I was having issues with my nine and a half year old computer and it kept crashing on me.  So when I started to response or work on a blog or tweet or to even try to type up something in the Cochlear Community - my computer went hay-wired on me!  So it has been very frustrating to not be able to participate fully but to do so here and there.  Now, I have a working refurbished Dell tower, which I honestly didn't want to put out the money for, but since I do graphic designs on the side for friends who want me to help them out and I also write - I needed my programs to be fully functional and uninterrupted.  I've only had it for a few days now, so here hoping that I can be

Better Hearing and Speech Month 2014

This year theme for Better Hearing and Speech Month (BHSM) is "Communication Disorders are Treatable." If you go to the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association site ( Click here ) you will see over the course of the next four weeks there will be four topics covered: Newborn Hearing Screening and follow up Noise-induced hearing loss in children Communication issues related to autism Language and Literacy  Also starting this week May 4, 2014 - there is an international campaign called Caption Everything which asks all businesses and organizations to caption everything.  This campaign is coming out of the UK but expresses the importance of captioning for those who are hard of hearing or deaf.  To learn more about this campaign click here . Captioning is also known as Closed Caption on many entertainment screens.  It can also be called Subtitles for movies, documentaries and more.  If businesses promoted captioning in their business, they will see