
Showing posts from May, 2009

Missing my other half

It's been a long time now. Things have yet to settle. You've been on my mind, Day in, Day out. Yes, I still love you... Like a fool. Things have been said and done. Hurtful and painful. In the end, we both want the same thing. Just not now. So I'm missing you. Loving you, Without telling you. Without showing you. We're connected, for life. You already have my heart. I'm just sorry I don't have yours. That is the one thing that hurts me the most. But you're my other half. I just want you to know, I will walk to the end of earth for you. Because that is how much love, I have for you. You just don't know it yet. I think about you, I wonder about how you are. I wonder if you are well. I worry about you. I really do. Even though you tell me not too. Call me a fool in love. But this love been here for two years... and counting. I don't think I'll ever love another like I love you. That kind of love, is a love worthwhile. That kind of love, is a love th

Times A-Changin'

Times are a-changin'. Life is taking its turns, on the upwardness of the mountain. You start to notice change. You start to notice more. As you continue upward, you notice the old is out, the new is in to stay - for now. Times are a-changin'. Nothing is the same. Life isn't the same. Love isn't the same. Times are a-changin'. The heart still loves, but is learning to love more. The soul still searches, but is learning to find. The mind still absorbing, but is learning to apply. Times are a-changin'. We are who we are, nobody can change that. If we are true to ourselves, then we are true individuals. Times are a-changin'. Just because things change, don't fight it. Let it be. The one saying that is spoken, is.... "Change is the only thing constant in our life" It's very true to its meaning. Times are a-changin'. Times are a-changin'. Written By: Gloria M. Matthews May 16th, 2009


Many of us deal with Fear. The question is what is fear? By definition it is an emotional response to threats and danger. It is a basic survival mechanism occurring in response to a certain stimulus such as pain or the threat of pain. Fear... It slowly creeps into your mind, Telling you lies... Or is it the truth to be told? Fear... It can be sensed. If you're not careful, all will fall out. Fear can ruin you. Fear can stop you. Fear can hold you back or delay. Fear can control your life decisions. If you allow fear to take over, you will be responsible for allowing it. So stand up, Stand up for you. Fight for what you believe. Believe what you are fight for. Never let fear get in the way. Never. It will break you. It will hurt you. It will shatter you. So step it up! Defend yourself! Trust your heart. If you let fear in, doubt will take over. Doubt leads to assuming. Assuming leads to disbeliefs. Understand your fears. Get to know them. Once you do, you can find a weakness, and