
Showing posts from January, 2010

Forgetting to love myself

Even though I have expressed my anger, despair, sadness and lost of hope, I have forgotten how to love myself. You know, I don't have many friends and I do not intent on making new ones any time this year. After just thinking about my life the last ten years, it's been nothing but stress, pain and disloyalty of friends. I ask myself, where did I fall, when did I start falling and how. I was doing fine when I got away from home and did my thing in college, I was head strong and focus but most importantly I felt happy and more of myself. I only had one good year, one year of being free of oppressions and judgements, one year of being able to feel great in my own skin. What happened? I moved home, my mother was terminally ill, I knew. I didn't move home on my own terms, I moved home because my mother asked me too. I transferred my credits to a nearby two-year private school and from there the battle was just the beginning. I was doing well in school, working two small part-tim