
Showing posts from March, 2010

It easier to blame someone else

Tonight I was thinking about how easy it is to blame someone else for mistakes that wasn't entirely that persons fault. You know how you are in a situation and either one of your friends, family member or partner turns on you because of a decision you made affected everyone around you and them but it wasn't an easy decision to make? Well I have been there. Its not easy to see the ones you love and care about go through tough times. I know from experience that some still blame me secretly for things that "should have been" and I know I feel the stingy in their words when spoken. The one thing that got me thinking about this is why blame someone when they are not standing by you every single day when you are the one making all the decisions on your own? I wonder about what is going through the minds of those who find it easier to lay the blame on someone else then to face their own demons. I wonder why is it that they fear what will happen to them so bad when fear