
Showing posts from October, 2010

Pieces of Me

Pieces of me is a description of my life.  It can also be a description about anyone's life. You know how sometimes you say to yourself, "Where do these pieces fit and how?" and then you ask yourself about those pieces that just does not look right, "How do these pieces fit and it does not look or feel right?"  Well when you find yourself questioning certain pieces, especially the ones that just stand out more, you have to slowly evaluate them and decide why those pieces stand out. We think we are all well aware of our surroundings, and yes, we can be.  However, no matter how careful we are, there is always a piece that shows up and we wonder how did it get there.  Right there, it shows evidence that while we may appear "well" aware of our environment, its the little things we tend to overlook the most.  Ever wonder how you could miss such a small detail or not think about a small piece of the puzzle??  Well now you know. Pieces of me can be inte

Smell of Fall

Just yesterday, as I was walking around campus with the leaves on the ground and crumpling as I walked through them and the sweet smell of fall leaves touch my nose.  So I thought, why not a poem. The Smell of Fall Such a chilly and cloudy day Every once in a while the sun would peak through, the gray clouds. As one walks in solitude, the smell of fall is upon us. Do you smell it? Do you sense it? Do you see it in its sweet serenity? Oh, the aurora of fall colors, such a calming feeling, looking around and seeing beauty in life. It makes you wonder how one who cannot see or hear, knows the scent of fall so well. Its a sign that someone at least takes the time, to appreciate all things great and small. The smell of fall. Brings you back to a place call home. A place where everything is so soothing and calm. A place where nature is your friend and you are its friend. A place that you know you can be free, within your wildest imagination. A place any artist can achieve their best wo

Determining my path

Last night I had a dream. It was about a few quotes "God, must have put you in my life", "God, must have brought me here for a reason,", "God, must have wanted me in your life."  Now at first you would think, "Okay, I can see myself saying that to someone that I've grown fond of over time." However, my dream took a whole different angle on it. In my dream the issue was men. Mind you, the last guy who use, "God must have put you in my life for a reason,"  I ended up pregnant with my son and before I knew it, there was a breakdown in communication and word got back to me their was another woman. Now, how in the world does that work? I mean seriously.  Why would men use God and mention the above quotes towards young women who happen to be a good women? And then they wonder why, men, those women left them? I got to say, men should be more careful with how they view God especially when it comes to meeting potential mates.  God is no ma