
Showing posts from March, 2011


When it comes to my own spirituality, I usually keep it to myself because I believe its really a personal relationship one has with God. Through faith anything can be accomplished. I enjoy taking time out for myself and spending time to reflect upon life and everything in it.  The past is a stepping stool for what lies ahead in the future.  Many still struggle with their past because of the decisions they made didn't quite turn out the way they thought it would.  Sometimes what we may see happening, may not even happen at all.  Sometimes we predict things that will happen without noticing that we really are pushing it to really happen.  Sometimes, we easily misinterpret what one is trying to say or do and we criticize them without fully understanding it from their perspective.  Sometimes we hinder the ability of others to grow and learn at their own pace, which is fairly common these days.  I try to listen and keep an open mind of where a person is in there life, what they do

On Being Healthy: What does it mean for women?

On Being Healthy and Fit: What does it mean for women? Written By: Gloria M. Matthews Every day the media portray the misleading images of young women who are thin and fit.   Women are often intimidated by their weight and are constantly thinking, “I can never be that size.”   Or   “Its unhealthy to be thin.”   Or “I wish…”   Now, as a full-time mother of one and a part-time student (currently taking time off due to health concerns), I find that women often compare themselves to their peers secretly to themselves.   However, we must first examine what does it mean to be healthy and fit and what are the standards. According to, “Healthy eating and physical activity goes hand in hand.”   It all begins with what we eat, how much we eat or consume in a day, as well as how much physical activities we do or participate in.   Now the recommended calorie intake is really based on your weight and how much physical activity you participate in.   However, according to the Die