
When it comes to my own spirituality, I usually keep it to myself because I believe its really a personal relationship one has with God.

Through faith anything can be accomplished. I enjoy taking time out for myself and spending time to reflect upon life and everything in it.  The past is a stepping stool for what lies ahead in the future.  Many still struggle with their past because of the decisions they made didn't quite turn out the way they thought it would.  Sometimes what we may see happening, may not even happen at all.  Sometimes we predict things that will happen without noticing that we really are pushing it to really happen.  Sometimes, we easily misinterpret what one is trying to say or do and we criticize them without fully understanding it from their perspective.  Sometimes we hinder the ability of others to grow and learn at their own pace, which is fairly common these days.  I try to listen and keep an open mind of where a person is in there life, what they do, how much life experience they have and of course their years of struggles and growing pains.  I know it isn't my place to judge anyone yet criticize them for it's really up to God in my opinion.

I will treat everyone fairly as I can. I may be able to tolerate some uneasy situations, but all I do is make the most out of it.  I can't control or dictate anybody, for everyone is given a body, mind and spirit to express themselves the best way they know how.  However, I noticed some people hate to talk about what's going on in their lives because of fear of sounding like they are whining or complaining or even just don't want to hear want anyone has to say about what is going on in their lives.  Which is understandable.  But if you hold it in, you will be angry and will start lashing out on people who truly just want what's best for you, no one wants to see the person they care about most struggle.

Being human means being allowed to express yourself without fear.  Yet, to understand we can only do so much.  We can take on the world, but we lose ourselves in it.  Conforming to the high ideals of society and peers, is non-sense to me.  Why not just be yourself? This way you can see who accepts you for who you are and who respects you.  I never do what people ask of me in regards of how to behave.  Why? Because I do know how to behave and dress for success.  I can be very likable and approachable. I can be stern and direct. I can be professional and on top of things.  That's just me.

My faith is what keeps me strong and its what keeps me calm.  I may get angry at times, but I'll cool off eventually.  Other than that its great to experience spirituality.  Everything seems clearer.


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