
Showing posts from October, 2011


My soul yearns for a freedom Freedom like none the other Life as clear as day With the mind as open I seek this this illusion to just be me I am one I am unique I am original Where else would you look I am right here Before your eyes Written By Gloria M. Matthews

The Truth May Hurt....

But A Lie Will Hurt More. In the last few weeks, I have been coming to terms with different aspects of my own life.  I have been learning that while I may struggle with some of my situations, the bottom line is accepting the truth. They say the truth hurts and it does but not as bad as a lie will hurt.  When we ask friends, co-workers, parents or whoever we interact with, to be honest in their answers, you'll notice they don't want to say it.  The fact is no one wants to say it because they fear the relationship they have will falter.  I believe everyone has their good intentions, however, it could possibly hinder the person's growth in terms of how they approach people and in what they do on a daily basis.  It can also prevent them from moving forward and exploring the world in a different perspective and possibly a different attitude.  A lie, will easily foster the same behavior of that person and cause that person to think they are "right" or there is nothi