
Showing posts from August, 2012

Striving to make the best of life

As I have previously wrote in my blog about going for the Cochlear Implant, I am striving to do more with my own life. Being hard of hearing and turning late deafen is not something anyone wants to go through, but it happens.  As I have been struggling for the last few years here in Buffalo, NY, I just find that the area I am in does not want to hire people with disabilities unless they are backed by an agency.  I find the practice to be unfair and discouraging.  I never ever in my life used an agency in helping me secure a job.  I have taken advantage of getting help with my educational studies but not for finding a job since I did pretty well on my own.  Yet, circumstances changes and not everyone is accommodating.  So life gets easily frustrating on a lot of days. While I am still learning about trying to find ways to gain employment, living off a fixed income is really killing me.  I usually am able to keep a balance between everything but as prices increases, my savings accoun

Going for Cochlear Implants

In my tab attached to this blog you will notice "CI Journey".  This tab contains the updates on my journey to getting my first implant.  Since I haven't been blogging as much, life can get busy for this single mom and even I need to take a break from cyberspace as it can get a bit overwhelming. For those of you who read my blogs, I am a single hard of hearing mom who is becoming late deafen.  I originally lost my hearing at the ripe old age of four - the age of language development - due to an "unknown" childhood illness.  Since then I have been wearing hearings aids for a good 25 years now.  I did not go to any special schools growing up.  I had to deal with regular schools- trust me they had no idea how accommodate a hard of hearing student.  Keep in mind, when I started Pre-K it was 1987-1988 before the ADA (American Disabilities Act) of 1991 came into play. I can't say I gained many friends during my childhood.  It was not easy to tell if the other k