
Showing posts from September, 2012

Cochlear Implant Surgery Set For....

October 5th, 2012.  Yes, that is correct.  My surgery for my first implant will be October 5th, 2012.  I am excited about it! Now after tomorrow, October 1st, 2012, I will be four days away from my surgery!  My MRI scan looked good and my ENT doctor gave me the go ahead for the surgery.'s the kicker, due to how my insurance runs, I first needed the Medical Clearance from my Primary doctor, whom I do not like so much. Well, as of September 28th, 2012, my doctor said my blood work looked good and gave me the green light to go! Yippee!  So in the meantime, I will continue with my daily routines such as yoga, walking, Pilate's and the exercise ball.  I have been staying functional and healthy and keeping in shape.  After surgery, for about four weeks, I will not be able to do any of those things as I will be taking it easy to heal properly.  However, when I do get the okay to start back up, I do have a few workouts in mind that won't involved bending ov