
Showing posts from May, 2013

My take on being Hard of Hearing and Late-deafen

In the recent months, I have learned more than I ever could possible learned about my own "disability" and how I'm not the only one who has to go through the motions of living in a predominant hearing world.  As I am educating myself, researching and reviewing different perspectives from people who have been hard of hearing all their life, deaf all their life and people who loss their hearing later on, only to learn the harsh reality that many who had a hearing loss been dealing with for years.  The reality of it is still harsh, in my opinion, and I believe its due to lack of public understanding, acceptance, and mostly noted the IGNORANT statements made by those who have no clue what's its like to live with any degree of hearing loss.  I even hate to say this, but even people who are highly educated and respected, are ignorant to those who suffer hearing loss across the board.  If no one is in the Hearing Health Field as professionals they won't