
Showing posts from July, 2013


The last few days I have been doing a lot of thinking.  Usually, the only time I do the most thinking is when I realize I don't have much on my schedule to do that day.  When I have those "off" days, I go into a "blah" mode because I am used to always doing something, but unfortunately my desktop computer was out of commission the last three days and as a result I ended up drawing once again. I was just figuring out how to get the neck and the head to look a bit more realistic.  It's been a long, long, long time since I actually took the time to really focus on detail instead of a quick rough sketch.  Then little by little I started to get back my first noticeable talent which was Visual Arts. I do miss doing art in my spare time, but between managing a household, single parenthood, my social media duties and life in general, there is no time to really sit down to read or draw.  Writing - I could easily do as it is just free writing, so I can do that anyti