
Showing posts from September, 2013

War on Poverty

War on Poverty: An Opinion Written by Gloria M. Matthews “The War on Poverty is the unofficial name for legislation first introduced by United States President Lyndon B. Johnson during his State of the Union address on January 8, 1964. This legislation was proposed by Johnson in response to a national poverty rate of around nineteen percent. The speech led the United States Congress to pass the Economic Opportunity Act , which established the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) to administer the local application of federal funds targeted against poverty. As a part of the Great Society , Johnson believed in expanding the government's role in education and health care as poverty reduction strategies. [1] These policies can also be seen as a continuation of Franklin D. Roosevelt 's New Deal , which ran from 1933 to 1935, and the Four Freedoms of 1941. The popularity of a war on poverty waned after the 1960s. Deregulation, growing criticism of the w

Twists and Turns of being Hard of Hearing

Lately, I have been getting familiar with fellow bloggers who deal with hearing loss and I find a lot of what they do have to say is pretty much resounding to those who do suffer from hearing loss either from birth or at a young age to later in life.  Yet, I also noticed something that bothers me as well as them, when those without a hearing loss DON'T GET IT AT ALL! To give you a background, I loss my hearing due to an unknown illness at a young age.  I was fitted for hearing aids at the age of four.  I suffer from sensorineural bilateral hearing loss with a gradual to progressive worsen hearing as I grew older.  I went to an all hearing school district, so I had no connection to people with hearing loss or who have lived with it.  I was stuck to deal with a lot of criticism, low expectations, snide remarks and just a lot of negativity that the hearing world reveals to those with hearing loss.  I didn't really meet others with hearing loss until my college days and after.  S