
Showing posts from November, 2014

Listening to Music with Cochlear Implants

Cochlear Americas N5 bilateral audio cable connected to the iPod. For some time now, I’ve heard there are quite a few people struggling to “hear” music clearly through their cochlear’s processor(s).   As I write, I’m currently using my direct audio cable to listen to music on my desktop and the music sounds better through the audio cable than over the use of the speaker.   Before I continue to go on, I would like to note that I am a Cochlear Nucleus 5 user and this is based off of my own personal experiences. I have six plus years of playing clarinet, one year each for viola, piano, and harmonica.   During my childhood up til teen years I was involved with my hometown church’s Handbell Choir and Children’s Choir for the holiday seasons.   I enjoyed music despite my hearing loss.   During my early 20s, I participated in a couple of local bar gigs with friends playing my clarinet by ear.   How?   It’s all in the count, the beat, the harmonies and the melody.    What was more

Reflection: Hard knock of Life

It's about 7:30am as I type.  My day starts at 5:50am.  I'm up early because my son has to catch his bus at 7:14am.  Lets say, I understand for a kid that is too too early so I give him ample time to wake up and get dress, brush his teeth and hopefully enough time to eat breakfast.  If not, I take the cereal and put it in a snack bag and grab a bottled water and take it outside to eat/drink before the bus comes.  Mornings as a single parent can be stressful on the days where you are overly exhausted and it's quick and easy to get impatience and angry - hence it's normal to swear up a storm AFTER your kid gets on the bus.  Of course, for me I would follow up with yoga and some cardio workouts and I'm good.  I will admit this, I miss hitting and kicking the bag! On the mornings where everything seems to be good, calm and smooth, I just count my blessings despite the hard times I deal with and the setbacks.  All I know is I gotta keep doing what I am d