
Showing posts from September, 2015

It's been a while....

I have been extremely busy with a lot! I missed writing and blogging! My schedule has been so full with certification classes, meetings, interviews (jobs and local newspaper), legal and personal issues.  I can say I've been running on E for a very long time that I'm just "Go, Go, Go!" I finally was able to block out three days to camp with my son and close friends.  It was much needed! We hiked to the Bear Caves, when through some of them, climbed rocks that were millions and millions years old, watched the meteor shower, grilled steaks, made a vegetable stir-fry, played music around the campfire and had s'mores! Swimming, boat paddling and beach time!  It was something we all needed after working so hard to advance our careers, educational, mental and spiritual beings.  It was something I know I needed because I had to seriously sort through a lot of things that were weighting heavy on my mind and my heart. As I move forward into the fall month, I will be o