
Showing posts from February, 2016


First, Happy New Year to all my fellow readers and bloggers! I know I haven't been posting as much!  I've been busy and do I mean BUSY with Certification Training - which I gained at the end of July 2015 in Quickbooks and MS PowerPoint; job hunting which landed me with two jobs - one is as an "as-needed" Child Care Worker and my second is my everyday job as a Community Relations Assistant for a deaf organization (ask me more about it).  My second is now my primary job as it's one of the reason why I haven't had time to do anything social - but then again I really don't have much of a social life anyways so that kind of works out!  I only make time for those who get me these days.  I don't have time to be asked a million and one questions about my own life and so forth - I just ain't in the mood these days. Any who, it's been one hell of a year to be honest.  I wasn't too pleased with what went down last year and quite frankly a part of