
Showing posts from December, 2017

It’s a Wrap 2017

What a year!  It’s been a very invigorating and reinventive year for me. It also has been quite a turning point year as well. This year marks two years at my current job and it feels like I've been there longer to be honest. It also marked the first time in ages I was involved in a performance called “Between People” and had an opportunity to share my art with the public through The Affirmative Project . We sold out all four shows during the last weekend of October! We are looking forward to what 2018 will bring! My son, who will always be a work in progress, is regaining his self-esteem and self-confidence back. Plus, we got to see two of my family members for the first time in three years, and it was great to have them with us for two weeks. I had to have a total single-port laparoscopic hysterectomy performed. Hence, the reason to have family around to help me out and also be there for my son who, was happy to have their company. For the last three years, I complaint of lo