It’s a Wrap 2017

What a year!  It’s been a very invigorating and reinventive year for me. It also has been quite a turning point year as well.

This year marks two years at my current job and it feels like I've been there longer to be honest. It also marked the first time in ages I was involved in a performance called “Between People” and had an opportunity to share my art with the public through The Affirmative Project. We sold out all four shows during the last weekend of October! We are looking forward to what 2018 will bring!

My son, who will always be a work in progress, is regaining his self-esteem and self-confidence back. Plus, we got to see two of my family members for the first time in three years, and it was great to have them with us for two weeks. I had to have a total single-port laparoscopic hysterectomy performed. Hence, the reason to have family around to help me out and also be there for my son who, was happy to have their company.

For the last three years, I complaint of lower abdominal pain, turned out I had Adenomyosis. This was only discovered after I underwent my hysterectomy, so I made the right choice. To learn more about Adenomyosis click here. Feel free to browse other resources for more information but more importantly if you feel this is something you think could be an issue, I encourage you to have a talk with you gynecologist.  I had gone through several ultrasounds and one CT scan and nothing indicated Adenomyosis. The only way it was diagnosis was after my uterus along with tubes and cervix were removed. I had two fibroids that were growing and my IUD (Mirena) was not removed beforehand as one of the fibroids was resting on it. My uterus was four times the normal size and due to the damage caused by Adenomyosis, even if I did the alternative it would have not shrunk back to its normal size. What baffled my doctor was the fact that aside from the ultrasounds and CT Scan NOT picking it up but the two growths of the fibroids, the biopsy of my uterus tissues came back normal! He told me I made the right decision in a surprising manner.  The reason he was surprised was that I was okay with having the hysterectomy (at just turned 34 yrs. old) was because I was confident in agreeing to it from the start. I knew something wasn't right and being an athletic individual, my lower abdominal was swelling up and pushing me out of my size 4s to size 8s. So, my belly was not "normal" for me. Besides, I already have one kid and I'm good. I knew my uterus was done.  Pay attention to your body, because only you know what feels right and what doesn't.

I'm now entering week 5 of my recovery. I still got some tugging and pulling on my right side as I was told it would feel extra tight due to extra stitches. I will say being without a few paychecks is killing me. But I am looking to returning back to work soon even though I have another post-op appointment coming up in about three weeks.  What I noticed though, I was advised to take the full six weeks to recover and not to work at all, but some folks have gone back to work in two weeks. I don't know what kind of surgery they had, but there was no way in hell I was ready on week three post-op for any kind of work. I was still dealing with pain under the incisions and was easily wiped out after just one outing. Knowing how I did after my c-section (which is considered open abdominal) I did land myself back in the ER. Please note, an open abdominal is totally different from laparoscopic surgery. However, how one response to post-op, will vary. A laparoscopic surgery requires less time to heal, but sometimes depending on certain individuals and how their body heals, it may take them longer.  An open abdominal surgery, takes longer. It took me about two years to feel "normal". As for now, I am able to get around and do what needs to be done but I still have to deal with being tired. This past week I have been dealing with hot flashes and headaches non-stop. It's a pain, but I'll deal.

But now, it a time to wrap up 2017. I am looking forward to continuous healing, redeveloping my abs back, watching my son continue to grow in his self-confidence and self-esteem, and I'm done with resolutions, whatever good happens, happens. The rest is just history.



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