
Showing posts from June, 2018

2018: Revolutionizing Life

It's been six months since my last post and it’s been an interesting six months. I returned to work after my recovery time in January and then resigned on May 4, 2018. After realizing my energy being drained and the workload being a bit much and my health was on a slippery slope, I had to make some tough decisions. Mind you, I loved what I did, but the constant of being busy and work piling up if I leave it alone was just getting overwhelming. I lost my interest in social media due to the current political environment. Then I lost my interest in attending church because folks mixed politics with religion...which for me is a big turn off. I strongly believe  in the separation of Church and State. I don’t agree with abortion but I feel that it’s not my business nor my concern about what other women do with their bodies. If that is something they decide, it’s their personal decision! So mind your business and let God deal with them in the end. No one is perfect! SMH. I