2018: Revolutionizing Life

It's been six months since my last post and it’s been an interesting six months.

I returned to work after my recovery time in January and then resigned on May 4, 2018. After realizing my energy being drained and the workload being a bit much and my health was on a slippery slope, I had to make some tough decisions. Mind you, I loved what I did, but the constant of being busy and work piling up if I leave it alone and...it was just getting overwhelming. I lost my interest in social media due to the current political environment. Then I lost my interest in attending church because folks mixed politics with religion...which for me is a big turn off. I strongly believe  in the separation of Church and State.

I don’t agree with abortion but I feel that it’s not my business nor my concern about what other women do with their bodies. If that is something they decide, it’s their personal decision! So mind your business and let God deal with them in the end. No one is perfect! SMH. If you don’t support abortion, then stop shaming and judging women who choose to do so. If you don’t like it, then don’t get one. Instead, address the issues of lack of foster parents, making adoption affordable to qualifying families and reducing the amount of kids already in the system. I could never personally have a abortion because that goes against my beliefs. But who’s to say other women share the same sentiments? Besides those who are against, really? When you force your beliefs upon women who do not share in those same beliefs- that’s not how religious freedom work. It’s about respecting other’s beliefs and practicing your own without enforcing them onto those who don’t believe  in what you do. No, you may not be okay with abortion, but someone else just may be due to their circumstances and it may just be something that they need to do. If you do not know these women indivdually and 
you are generalizing their experiences, you are in my opinion, passing premature judgement on those who just made a very difficult decision. To be honest, it’s 2018, hands off women’s reproductive choices. I’m just tired of all the back and forth. I’ve watched the abortion videos years ago. I’ve heard personally stories of those who have gone through it and while it may be wrong to me, it was the right choice for them. With all these sentiments about kicking people off food stamps and cutting back safety net programs in an economy where the wages are stagnant...what’s the point of having  a kid these days if folks are concerned about people utilizing social net programs? I mean really. Birth rates have dropped over the last decade and that in itself has a lot of factors of different reasonings. But unfortunately no once seems to listen or pay attention to what those reasons are.

I chose abortion because so many I know voted on the issue, the one issue instead of the big picture. So I get it, but now, don’t tell me to pray for someone who has been known to be shady and untrustworthy for years. Just don’t. Now everything I’ve warned about, is actually coming true and it just kills me that people love to blame instead of understanding. And many wonder why the world is cold? Well if you’re cold, you’ll get the same exactly treatment back. If you want to see a united front, you need to be more inclusive and open minded and quit blaming and start understanding.

With so much going on in this world, it’s really heartbreaking. And the ones suffering the most are the children. Whether they are in war torn countries or at the southern border, or living in our very communities- what kind of world are we leaving to the future generation? A very mixed generation? Are we really going to make them pay for the choices that personally benefitted those presently back every policy? I mean, are we really limited their ability to be more mobile. It’s just makes me wonder, would I be comfortable with my son in the future world? To be honest no. Not at this time. If the direction was more positive, then so be it, but right now nada.

I’ve been trying to get reorganized. Just earlier I deleted my old FB profile and original 2005. Yes, I was on FB when it started! Now, I’m not really into social media anymore. Not after they allowed news reports and news channels to joint the FB world. It’s just been a hot mess. People pick and  choose what fit their views without compromising or being open to a middle ground. It’s sickening, to the point of not even wanting to be on social media. SMH. Yet, I’m good at it, but my passion has died out. 

I’ve also been spending time with my son and he’s been talking more to me and letting me know what is up. I missed having to talk and interact with him. I just celebrated him turning the big 1-0 and I cannot believe it - a decade already. Whew!

I hope I can travel this summer, somewhere. I just wanna get out of busy mode and just relax. Plus, I’m looking forward to cutting back off of social media because, it mind blowing how people are treating each other and it’s degrading and not something I wish to be associated with. It’s just not fun to do social media. It’s a great tool, don’t get me wrong, it’s just for me, my passion has been in the goodwill of others, not in seeing name calling or bashing others. It’s just not cool anymore.

All I can do is pray for the world because clearly everyone is hurting. Whether folks agree with that or not, people are hurting everywhere and no one knows how to communicate their feelings anymore or thoughts. So everything gets bottled up. Plus, with society issues also playing a role it’s challenging.

As I look over the last ten years, it has been one heck of a rollercoaster. But as I look forward, hoping the world is still intact, I hope peace and common sense makes a comeback. So for now, I’ll enjoy my time off, but really just to rejuvenate myself before getting serious with anything. 

2018 May be a revolutionary year, but I pray it will be positive for all and not the few. Peace.


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