Bittersweet Memories

My time has come to an end.
I have lived this life, now ready to move on.
I don't have much to say,
Thank you for the memories.

As time passes,
I think about you and my friends.
I think about the downs and the ups.
I think about everything I loved.
I think about the times that meant the world to me.
I think about those hard times and wonder did I handle it right?
I'm sure I didn't at times.

Bittersweet memories,
a bittersweet good-bye.
I do not know when I'll be back,
I know I'll see some of you down the road.

Keep me in your hearts,
Keep me in your memories,
The good ones.
Give me your word you won't forget me.
Tell me I am someone,
instead of no one in your life.
Tell me and remind me that you are a friend
Don't let me leave with,
bittersweet memories.

Tell me a story,
one of us and everybody.
Tell me a memory,
you remember very well.
Tell me, Tell me, Tell me.

No matter how far or near I may be,
I'm with you in spirit,
And know this,
If I don't talk to you or hear from you,
Know that I do think of each and every one of you.
For a person such,
you must be really special.

Such a bittersweet memory,
a bittersweet good-bye.
Thank you for being a part of my life.
Most of all THANK YOU for allowing me into yours.

Yours Truly,
Gloria aka Glo aka G-bear aka Lil Sis aka Sis aka Glow aka G aka Sweetie aka Kitty aka Matthews

Written By:Gloria M. Matthews
Copyrighted 2007, 2009
Edited 2009


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