
Some of us have them
Some of us don't.

For those of us who suffer,
we're the ones dealing.
We're the ones trying to make it.
We're the ones trying to do whatever it takes.
Even if it takes us to our graves.

We live in memories of...
We live in the present but caught
inbetween two worlds.
We live in the past and present.
How is it possible?

Regret(s) does that.
It's vicious cycle.
Not easy to break.

None of us wants to be reminded.
None of us wants to still be dealing.
None of us wants to be reminded.
We need to move on,
the question is how?

How do we deal with regret?
How do we overcome it?
If there is such a thing.
How do we?

We made some mistakes,
At least some are willing to admit.
But if there was a time machine,
we would be able to correct the mistake,
before it happened.
But if we did that,
life as we now know it, would not be the same.
Life as we know it today, would not exist.

Trails and Errors.
Trails and Errors.
Teaches us the things about life.
The things we think we know,
but we really don't know.

If only we knew what we knew now.

Written by: Gloria M. Matthews
Copyright 2009


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