
When will I see you?
I only saw you once.
Don't you care about me?
Don't you love me?

I need you in my life.
What's holding you up?
What's so important that,
You can't see your only son?

Mommy does everything!
Makes sure I'm well taken care of,
Makes sure I'm happy,
Makes sure I get what I need.
But I can see,
how tired she is,
how much she she deserves not only better,
but a much needed break.
I can see,
how mommy loves me more than herself.
How she's always put herself last.

Don't you see?
We need you.
Mommy won't say it.
But I will.

I love mommy very much,
I don't want her to be unhappy,
Even though,
she's always smiling.
That's mommy for ya.

I'm a part of you...
Don't leave me hanging.
Don't leave mommy hanging.
Don't leave us hanging.

Daddy, Daddy, Daddy...............

Originally Written: February 27th, 2009
Written By: Gloria M. Matthews

*Note: I'm one of the many children who grew up without a father. I voice the voices of children today of single mothers. Single moms normally get the harsh end of the deal from the public to some degree, but while they have to stuck up their pride to do things that they don't want to do, just to put food on the table, it just speaks louder that the need for male figures in a child's life is important. Todays males seem to be outside of the child's home due to their own individual plans, not including the child's mother in the picture, which in a lot of cases is a smack in the face for a lot of single moms. And it hurts. It may sound like it's the mom wanting to have a man in her life but the reality of it is, children need to have both parents. Not just one, but two. They need to understand that no matter what mom and dad stuck it out for them. To show as an example that you have to work at relationships, no matter the lable, to make it work. Today, many young adults don't believe in long-term relationships anymore, which could be one of the contributing factors to why many would rather have short-term relationship and make it seem okay to have mulitple partners. I said some, but not all. Everyone has there reasons. I just won't agree to the disagree. No offense. But just saying what I think.


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