
Showing posts from August, 2009

It's a Funny Thing Life

For a while now I've been getting strong feelings about my own situtation. I just couldn't say what it was, but I've known for a long time now. All I ever wanted was honesty - the truth. Instead I was kept in the dark, given false hopes and hurt because of that. Now my heart must decide which route to take? Eventually, I know I will have to move on but the question is, Is this it? I mean, I wasted my emotions, my heart, my hopes, my voice on someone who made empty promises, someone who constantly blamed me and made me wish I never existed. Yet, as usual, there is always another girl and I'm never gonna be good enough for anybody, not even to get a second chance. That hurts the most. I've grown up in church and believe the words of God spoke true. I'll admit that I have swayed far from the good book, but have come to realized I'm being called to come back home. I'm not talking anything death-like, but more of a return to follow what God intended for me to

Broken Spirit

In all of my days, My love for one has gone unnoticed. But only the Lord recognizes that. I'm thankful for at least that. I've done my best to hold on, I've done my best to try to smooth things over, but the one thing that is preventing me from moving forward, is some one's else's regret. I have a love that is undying. A love that is willing to lend a hand regardless. A love that is God's love. What more could you ask for? I'm me, myself and I. I do not conform to idols, icons, or fakes. I'm my own person, My own being. Accept me for me. Accept me for who I am. I'm not perfect, I'm no superstar, I'm not worthy, But I'm worthy of God's love. I may not be successful, I may not be top model, I may not be an artist, I may not be a lot of things, but as long as I'm me, that is fine by me. I dress how I feel. I dress the way I want. I live my life, I live my life in the eyes of the beholder. I live my life. This is my life. My spirit