How do you manage physical pain?

If you are one of the few people who suffer from nerve wrecking pain in the back, hips and legs as the season starts to turn cooler, what do you do for pain management?

The last week alone has been unfortunately painful for my hips and lower back.  I was giving strong medicines, but they make me constipated and tired.  I have naturally applied heat to the area and even soaked in Epsom Salt for about a half hour or more. I do not want to take any narcotics due to bad interacting with my digestive system.  I cannot go to a chiropractor or an acupuncturist, which sucks, because those are completely alternative I would like to have.  But my insurance does not include such practices under my insurance plan.  Instead as the only alternative to get this pain under control is to go through Physical Therapy.

Now if you have been to the PT, you know the first day they assess your case, evaluate your posture to pin point any uneven or off balanced parts.  Whatever the findings are, those are the area that they focus on.  And it's painful during the first few sessions because its realigning your body by flexing and strengthening the muscles surrounding the joints and skeletal structure that is affected with weakening of the muscles.  Now in my case, I have always be physically active by that I mean, running, walking and weightlifting.   But since I have been reduced to only walking, it has not kept up with keeping my muscles as tight and supportive as they should be.  Granted, I am a small person, and additional fluid or fat added onto my frame will only cause my body more turmoil.   I have been a veteran runner for 13 years and competed six years out of the 13years I've been running.  I haven't ran in almost three years.  However, I would love to be able to get back to it since it kept me out of the ER and off of a lot of meds I personally don't need to be taking at my age and in a healthy mood and state of mind.

So I am curious to my readers out there, how and what you did/do to alleviate the back and hip pains. I would love to know.  Thanks!


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