I was

In the following I will write about my past a bit.  However, follow closely to what I am saying and then think about what it speaks to you.

I was
I was a child of an acoholic.
I was a child of abuse.
I was a child of rejection.
I was a child of no hope.
I was a child of limitations.
I was a child of no love.
I was a child of no father.
I was a child who lived on dreams.
I was a child of heart breaks.
I was a child who wanted a friend, who would listen
and comfort me in ways no one wanted to.
I was a child who felt unwanted.
I was a child whose future was none.

Now here I am today, an adult.
I am loved.
I love myself.
I love my close friends.
I love my life.
Just because as a child I had no positive structure,
I didn't allow it to ruin my adulthood.
Instead all of that made me more determined to make the most out of life.
I may have lack in a lot,
But I was able to make it up.

The past shouldn't define you, you have to find you.
You have to learn to live for you.
You have to let the past go, if you want to make a better life.
For if you keep holding on,
you impede your chance to grow into a wonderful human being.
So if you are running or on the run,
face your fears.
Your problems will only follow you and ruin any chance for satisfaction.

Nothing in life is guaranteed.
Yet, one must learn to accept, deal and move on.
One must learn to heal in order to fulfill life's expectations.
Life may have not always been easy for me.
And Lord knows it has not gotten any easier.
Yet, I am happy with who I am and where I am at with my life.
I may not be rich or married,
or even a homeowner.
But what matters is friends who become family.
It makes a world of difference.

So don't be who you are because of your past,
be better than that.
Learn to be your own individual and create your own path.
Life is waiting for you to wake up from your past and to let it go.
No matter the damage the past has caused,
you are human and you are allowed to heal and move on.

So don't be afraid to let it go,
trust me everything will make you stronger and better.
You will be armed with knowledge and wisdom, if you do.

 I was and now I'm better.

No matter where you are in your life, if you allow your past to interferer with your life and use it as an excuse for why you do what you do, don't be alarmed if friends pull away or shut you out.  They see someone who won't let go and is only making themselves feel alienated and misunderstood.  No one may understand what is bothering you for you may refuse to speak of it, but at what cost? Losing friends and ignoring the ones who do care? No one can say the right thing, but they all have in their hearts a view of you in a positive life and they just want to see you be happy and content with your life. However, you must let go of the past for its not helping you and its destroying you without notice. So think about it, you're not giving up a part of yourself, you are simply letting your past go so that you can be the better person that everyone sees in you. Live.Laugh.Love. 


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