Life is fragile...but its a journey...

Many times we envision a brighter future not only for ourselves but for our children.  Without thought, we forget the struggles that we ourselves have gone through and forget about the struggles our children will have to face in the near and upcoming future.

As parents we all want our kids to have a carefree childhood, a childhood that is filled with happiness and joy and a family that cares.  I understand as adults we may not always be able to see eye to eye on everything, however, we must learn to put aside our difference and show our children how to be civil and find a common ground without having to fight or argue or blame one another for a mistake that anyone of us are capable of making.  There is a lesson our children must learn when it comes to decision making, there is never a clear line between what is right and what is wrong.  Sometimes we go with our guts, sometimes we go off personal experiences and sometimes we go off of fear.  We can be wrong or right, but in whose eyes?

Life in general is not one to be a race of any sort. It is a journey, one that must be understood with humanity.  Many times we feel like its a race because we have to be somebody by this time or have something by this time or be married or have a family by this time and the truth is, time does not belong to us. It really does not belong to us.  Time...belongs to God and only he can shape and mold you into whatever he wants you to be. You can fight against what's truly right in God's eyes for as long as you want and the question is where are you standing now?

I do not believe in calling names, pointing fingers or even playing the blame game.  What good comes out of that? Not much.  All it does is create an atmosphere of hatred, anger and resentment. Why live that kind of life? What has that kind of life done for you?  If nothing, then slow down and forget about what other people think or say and go somewhere deep in thought and think about you.  Then think about the ones who have shut you out or have pulled away because you were doing something that they just could not bear to watch or deal with.  Then think about why they reacted the way they did - then ask yourself would you have reacted the way they did when they saw and heard what was going on, take yourself out of your shoes and look at yourself from a different angel and ask yourself what would you like to see differently.

I have witness quiet a few people who have burnt so many bridges and not even realize it. Even as the last friend remaining, it bothers me that all they care about is themselves and that they "say" they don't care about what others think or say to them and about them, but then they do care and they throw a fit about it.  In the end, all I can say its not always going to be about you or what you want and it will never be.  In the bible it speaks about holding each other up and being there in the time of need, comfort and advice.  No one is meant to go through life alone, no one.  I have my goals but they are not my wants.  I may want a lot of things, but by the end of the day, I am satisfied with my life as is.  As long as I have God, my family and my home, I am set.

You cannot control others or manipulate, one may be quick to rebel because they know.  However, why bother to spin a web and know its only going to come down?  Honesty, Integrity and Preservation.  The truth hurts and yes, it hurts like hell but the truth can save you and set you free.  Why live in fear of losing the very thing or person or people you care about or even love because of lies or "twisted" truths? Why hide your imperfections? Why deny others the opportunity to accept you for who you really are and the chance to love you unconditionally?  Why deny yourself the opportunity to be love unconditionally?  Flaws or not, no one is perfect.

If one remains true unto himself they can filter out who's real and who's fake. They can call very, very few friends true friends because of their honesty and bluntness but most importantly the ability to be aware of the entire situation and the sensitivity of it.  More is factored into what a true friend's is, but one must be aware of their own surroundings.

Life is life. "Life is is love.  We are not always the best caretaker of either." The Last Song.  Its true, life is fragile as well as love. They are so precious and delicate and must be handled with extreme care.  I would know.  I do not fight or argue or waste my time defending myself these days because its a waste of time and energy. I just walk away and not say anything because I can understand why one may be angry with me, but I will not give them the opportunity to destroy me or the facts of life. Life is a journey, one that must be appreciated and well accepted.  One that tests your patience and faith.  Don't ever lose faith, ever.  Just let things be, don't forge something together that wasn't meant to be, just let it be. Let it be. Happiness can be achieved through self-love, self-worth, self-respect and more. More importantly, redeeming yourself and asking for forgiveness from God with all your heart.

No one is perfect. Just live, love, pray and play. Just don't hurt anyone and be mindful when others are not. No one said it would be easy but like I said life is a journey and each journey is unique. We are all unique. Embrace yourself and what makes you unique. Embrace life and be thankful.


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