This is...

This is a prayer.
A prayer for all who are suffering and in pain.
Let it be known that someone is waiting for you, to call upon him.

This is a prayer.
A prayer for all wishing to live freely without oppressions.
Let it be known that someone wants to  set you free, just look up.

This is a prayer.
A prayer for all who feel in the dark and there is no light.
Let it be known that someone is shining a little light your way, lift your eyes and look up.

This is a prayer.
A prayer for all who feel lost and confused.
Let it be known that someone is asking you to leave your ways behind and join him.

This is a prayer.
A prayer to all who are greedy and selfish, who have forgotten what life truly meant.
Let it be known that someone is asking you to love equally.

This is a prayer.
A prayer for all families going through tough times.
Let it be known that someone is waiting to lend a listening ear, get down and pray.

This is a prayer.
A prayer for the brokenhearted.
Let it be known that someone wants you to turn to him to heal properly.

This is a prayer.
A prayer for couples.
Let it be known that someone is watching over both of you, just look up when in doubt and be faithful.

This is a prayer.
A prayer for all children, big and small.
Let it be known that someone has blessed you with a unique spirit.

This is a prayer.
A prayer for all the ill ones.
Let it be known that someone will heal you, just trust with all your heart.

This is a prayer.
A prayer for all friendships.
Let it be known that someone appreciates the kindness, love and respect.

This is a prayer.
A prayer for all people.
Let it be known that someone wants you all to have peace in your hearts.

This is a prayer.
A prayer for the world.
Let it be known that someone will change the way we think about leadership.

This is a prayer.
From the depth of my soul.
May you all be blessed.


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