Redefining Your Life

Have you ever just wanted to get away from it all and go somewhere so secluded that not even a cell phone reception can be picked up?  I know I have.

In the past I have escaped to nature to get away from people and technology plus responsibilities.  Not to run away, but to regain focus and a clear mind.  The reason I am inspired to write on this topic is because of a book that I just recently completed reading for pleasure.  The title of the book is called "Time is a River" written by Mary Alice Monroe.  This book is so beautifully written that it just took my breath away.  I won't ruin the book for anyone, but for my fellow females, this is a book that you must read. 

We all know that time can elude us, but time can also teach us about the matters of the heart, mind and soul. If we just take the time to learn more about ourselves on our own, I believe more people would be happy.  Today I noticed, everyone goes off of what others think of them and how they view themselves in their eyes.  The truth of the matter, we are being so tuned into becoming what others expect us to be but not what we expect ourselves to be.  In this day and age, we all know competition is everywhere and we do whatever it takes to get that top spot.  The truth of the matter, wealth is never guaranteed, yet life is.

Last night, as I was writing in my almost three year old journal, I was brainstorming about what it meant to redefine yourself, to truly discover yourself and how to come to face the truth of who you are.  We cannot deny our past nor our present or future. By doing so, we are turning a blind eye to what is a part of us.  We can grieve over love ones, lost loves, lost friends and more, but do we grieve for ourselves when necessary? I grieve for myself because every ending is bittersweet and every beginning is just like taking your first steps all over again. It is about the process of understanding and reconnecting with yourself.  It is about separating yourself from the world around you and knowing with a sense of deep calmness that you will be okay.  It is about facing the truth in the face.

My truth is I am many things. I can be called evil, mean and manipulative, however only by the very few who have doubled crossed me. I am known to be a real true friend with a big heart, a person who is willing to listen and offer any insight from my own perspective. I am serious yet with a twist of humor.  I am my own person and I am stubborn and hard-headed, that is nothing new to me. I stand up for myself and I can be intimidating to others without knowing. I have been known to be strong-willed and determined and I still am til this very day. I am capable and attentive to whatever I put my mind to. Regardless of what lies ahead, you cannot blame this gal for being who she is.

I like to take my time when it comes to life in general.  Its one of the qualities I appreciate the most about myself.  I'm not a speed worker or someone who can be rushed, I am a person who understands that everything needs to be handled with care.  So I take my time and I get the work done on time but with all the bases covered.  Why rush through life? Why push through life to gain wealth and all things materialistic? Why not try to live a somewhat simple life?  In a simple life, you don't have to impress others to try to gain status among them, you look inward and then outward and the person I believe deeply to have to impress is God.  Yes, I am a Christian but not one of those Christians who turn their noses up at the sight of people who have less and who are struggling and to think that they are highly favored in the Lord's eyes. To be honest its sickening when I hear that.  I am reading random parts of the bible and I know Jesus even spoke to those who committed sin against God and felt they were not worthy of his praise or love, but through Jesus will and teachings, he met with a woman by the well and asked for some water. The woman who would be defined in today's term a "whore" and "adulterer", gave Jesus the well water and questioned why he had come to her knowing she had not lived the life of God's ways. If you are familiar with this story then you know that Jesus loved everyone regardless because his simple reminder was we are human and we all have flaws.  So in saying with that, think about who you are trying to impress and if it will be worth it down the road.

I am feeling freer from life oppressions and meeting the high demands of what others expect of me. I am living a life where I can see clearly what is my life is about. I am not perfect yet I am a perfectionist when it comes to school, work and volunteering.  I am proud of who I am and who I have become.  I do have a long way to go and you know what, I am living for God and his son.  My faith has been renewed and my heart has been repaired.  In due time, when the time is right everything will come to full circle. Hope is never lost and even when it feels like it, never give up. Just keep looking inward and face your fears and know your fears are what cripples you and allows you to get angry or aggravated.  Fear can even destroy everything around you until you are left alone with no one to confide in but yourself.  Yet at this point, you learn the person you have feared the most is yourself.  Not knowing who you are or understanding what lies within you can be daunting and confusing.  Its scary, intimidating and mind-twisting.

So if you find yourself facing yourself, use that time to get to the bottom of who you are.  Use the time to reflect on yourself, how you handled yourself, how to become a better person and what you need to do.  Do not fear to take a month or more to go through the process of redefining yourself and reinvention yourself, be alone with yourself and come to love yourself fully.  This task cannot be achieved through relationships, friendships or family, for their opinions, their issues and their problems can get int the way of redefining and reinventing who you are.  They all mean well, but I think for the individuality of one person's sake, to gain better perspective on life all around and better ground its best to find your own voice in all of life's matters then your relationships, friendships and family relations will improved in due time.  Taking time out for yourself, is not a bad thing at all and it really should not be.  Its good for the soul and for the mind.  Know this, I enjoy taking time to myself very much and I don't complain at all.  I consider it a nice break to get refocus and clear my mind so that I can better handle my own life and everyone in it.

I have my fair share of disagreements and arguments, but I hate them all. However, I am able to rebound back and be rational and understanding.  I have my fair share of people telling me what to do and how to act but hey I know what I am doing for me and I do know how to act very well.  You either take me for who I am or leave me, it is one or the other.   I believe in individuality and learning how to be not only aware of yourself but of your own surrounding and those in it.

So if you ever want to get away, I would recommend a cabin in the back country, near a river or creek, get to know the simplicity of living in time.  Study the currents, the trees, animals and the nature all around. I know I have and when I get the opportunity to get back to camping again, I will continue to be on a quest to be one with nature all around.  So treat yourself out to the outdoors away from distractions and clear your mind. You'll be surprised with the new perspective you have gained by the time you have returned to civilization.  Be positive and honest with yourself. Take a lesson from the ones who baffle you the most. There's a hidden lesson waiting to be discovered just by you and only for you.  So don't be afraid, let go a little and learn to live a little bit freer.

You only get to live through life once.  So make the most of it through peace and learn to live without regret.


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