
Showing posts from July, 2011

Learning to Live Again: Life goes on

There is something that we all hold dear and close to our hearts; then there are those who we hold close and dear to our hearts and when we lose that something or someone it feels like we lose a part of ourselves and our lives.  Whether its through death, a long departure, a break up, a disagreement, or a misunderstanding, we all lose something of value, something that meant something to us and sometimes we do not realize how much we really cared.  So we mourn and some of us beat ourselves up over what could have been different instead of thinking about what our experiences have taught us and what could we do in the future to be different. The point is Life goes on. When I look back at all that I have been through and the ones I lost in my life and the things I lost, it was hard to see that light at the end of the tunnel.  It was so dark and lonely and unhappy.  I couldn't even look beyond the next day.  Even when my ex and I used to argue, he just did not know, how much I really

Love & Domestic Violence: Today's Men and Women

Lately I have been brainstorming about a lot of things, however, I couldn't help but notice just how often the word LOVE is abused in so many ways. As previously written, I wrote about loving with your whole heart and how the one you loved with your whole heart shattered it to a million of pieces without knowing they truly did have you forever.  I learned something though, that love will bring you tears, happiness, pain, joy and every sense of emotion there is.  Love isn't being threaten to stay in a damaging relationship; it isn't about seeking approval from those outside of the relationship to make the relationship work; it isn't about losing friends who are deeply concerned about you; it isn't about ignoring the pleas of your family; it isn't about just you, it is about your future and where you are heading.  You may be just living in the moment, but those who care for you see something you don't want to hear nor believe. Domestic Violence is a silent