Embracing Life

Just a week ago or maybe two, I decided to shut down my own personal Facebook page.  It was more of a personal and spiritual reason for it.

I understand that I communicated more with those I cared about on Facebook than through email or instant messenger.  However, due to how much personal drama and "too much information" displayed on Facebook, I honestly had to take a break from how people are hiding behind social networking sites to avoid confrontations directly.  Yet, with cyber-bullying happening and on the rise, teens through adulthood, its ridiculous.

Right now, I don't miss Facebook.  I am actually sleeping better, enjoying life more and doing me.  I don't stress or worry as much or even think negative things.  I'm actually happy to have a sense of calmness and peacefulness in my life.  And for the first time since forever, I had a real summer.  An awesome summer.  I have grown up and now everything I read or see, it makes me wonder if others realizes what they are saying on social media outlets or how others will interpreted it.  It makes me wonder, if they worry about their employer checking out their pages without their knowledge.  After hearing how social media has had it negative effects on others, many still take it as a joke.

I got to admit, I have been on Facebook for six years now.  Never did I see as much drama or personal life get exposed that much.  When Facebook came out, it was strictly for college students, where many of us at that time complained about homework, study groups, work, professors, club activities and anything related to the college lifestyle.  It had a sense of community.  Now, Facebook has grown so big that a sense of community is lost in a world filled with belittlement, talk-backs, bullying and exposing secrets.  I admit, I have for a while post disturbing statuses when I was deeply depressed and hurt.  I felt alone and had no one to really talk to in person.  All of my friends were living their own life and I didn't want to be a burden to them.  So I took upon myself to suffer alone and through Facebook.

As time passed, I grew out of my darkness and came towards the light.  Now that I am out of that darkness and have no plans on going back, I decided to embrace life once again.  I decided also to revert back to using my emails and instant messenger as means of communications between friends and family.  I am aware some didn't get the warning that I was shutting down my page, because I didn't want a big fuss.  So I exist out of it quietly, like I usually do in real life.  I'm not gone forever, but I just decided to step outside and to enjoy the fresh air and relaxing with my son and friends and going out.

You can prove you are right, you can prove whatever it is that you are trying to prove, but why prove yourself to others when you only have to prove yourself worthy of God's laws?  Yes, I am on a spiritual walk as well and so far I am enjoying it.  I am getting to know and understand God and his Son Jesus as my saviors. I am becoming more and more laid back, letting Jesus take the wheel so I can focus on what's on hand.  I am scared but I have more to learn.  There's no guarantee I will be around forever, but I will live my life to best of my abilities.  I am testing to see who is true and who isn't.  I am testing to see who belongs in my life and who doesn't. For if I see who's who, then I know who is there and who isn't.


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