9/11: A simple reminder

It was ten years ago, I was a senior in high school.  The night before, I dreamt my grandmother's house and "the mansion" a few houses down from my grandmother's house had a gas explosion.  First my grandmother's house blew up and then within a few minutes the mansion gave off the second explosion.  That morning, on 9/11, I was very quiet.  My mother, who I usually didn't see in the early morning on a school day was awake and walking around the downstairs level of her house.  We just looked at each other, we did not speak one word, but there was an unusual feeling between us, an alertness as to something big is coming.  I walked out the door, didn't say goodbye yet this feeling I had was a very uneasy one.  I looked out to the Hudson River, there was something different about how the Hudson looked that morning, almost eerie.

I was just half way through my morning and classes.  Then someone was shouting out in the hall, that the one of the twin towers has been hit with an airplane.  It was fourth period, Forensic Science, we were all in the newly built science wing which also had cable TV in most of the class rooms.  The teacher stopped and turned on the news, sure enough it was true the first twin tower had been hit.  The first thought, the airplane was too low and it could have be a malfunction.  But when everyone witness the second plane going into the second tower, everyone knew something was wrong, it was an attack on the American soil.  At the time no one knew or understood what was happening.  Many were worried because they either knew someone who worked in those towers or had family nearby and within the trade center for work.  Tears were shed, worries were heard and faith was shaken.

In the days following that uneventful day, families reached out to their love ones in hopes of finding them alive among the area that was then called "Ground Zero".  Some knew they would received the bad news, others prayed for the safety and lives of those who were in that area at that time.  Some just knew, by gut, but said nothing.  Everyone reactions, reminded us we are human and that we should not take advantage of our own lives and those who are in it.  9/11 reminded us of the simple things that makes life better each day; to tell the ones we care and love dearly that we love and appreciate them; to give thanks for waking up another day; to give a hugs just because; to be understanding and loyal to each other every single day.  To know, that you let that person know that they matter while they are alive so that no one is left saying, "I didn't get the chance to say...."  when they are gone.

Today, is an emotional day for everyone, myself included.  I actually watched the news following the attacks where I saw people jumping out from the top floors of the towers.  Everyone who jumped were afraid to die and wanted to be saved, only to end up among those who did passed on that very same day.  You will never know, what each human being was going through.  You will never know, what they were going through.  Life may have many problems, yet when we face a catastrophe those little everyday problems we have to deal with don't seem to matter anymore, what matters is learning how to appreciate not only life but the lives around you.  Even when things are looking bleak, look up and know something better lies ahead and whatever you are going through now, don't rush through it, take your time and work through it and when you do that, you gain wisdom and truth.

Know this, even though many lives were lost that day, it was a reminder in many ways to let us know we are fragile beings and we must take better care of not only ourselves but each other.  Regardless of people's backgrounds, we all are one, we are all human, we are of one group of species.  So, don't separate yourselves because of race or ethnicity; class status; education; professions; disabilities; gender; sex status; marital status and religious affiliations.  The reason why many are not on the same page today, is because they allow the littlest of things to make one seem better than the other or an idea of someone poor can be overtaken by someone is from higher class and vice versa with other groups.

Today, more then ever the U.S. is divided because they have two parties who are both too stubborn to work with each other.  They have only been pushing the envelope because they are making it clear that no one from another race should be president and are showing that racialism is alive and well today.  No one person can run this nation alone, no one president has.  Every president had help and a congress that knew not to let personal favors get in the way of improving the lives of the American people.  If our current president decides to not run for re-election, then God bless his soul because he sure did try his best.  As for those running for president, I don't want to hear how much experience you had as Governor or mayor or senate, I want to know if you truly hear the voice of those taking a big hit from this economy, the American people.  I want to know if you support the American Dream, I want to know if you are friends with big corporations who ship jobs out, I want to know if you are for the people voted by the people.

I hope that life for every American will see better days and I hope that life can remind us to put our differences to the side so that we can all work together as one.  Yes, secrets are being kept and those secrets can divide as well.  So be open as much as you can, think on how to share information in a way that it is understood so that it doesn't come off being a "big" secret, think about what you can do differently to make things work.  Trust is the key in working together.  If there is no trust among the members of congress, the American people are seeing it.  Trust is important, without it don't count on being the next leader or in charge of a huge project.  Trust is a need, not a want.

So in conclusion, I feel for those who have lost love ones in 9/ll tragedies.  I do hope that every American, know no matter how difficult things may get, hold on tight and don't let go.  Ride whatever it is you are going through out.  Get creative and smart, because those who know how to live without have a better chance of living without materialistic things.  Remember, we all get to live life once, live it in the best way you can without demoting another human being.  Remember, we can be the opposite of being in a good position so count your blessings as well.  Be well and God Bless.


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