
Today we live in a world where the ill-advice of "Go for yourself" has been spreading like wildfires.  Money has driven some to greed, some to their own destruction and some for themselves.  Greed - has no heart, no compassion, no relations.

While it is indeed the holidays, please be graceful for the families you do have, the good decent friends and people you know, be graceful for life itself.

There are others whose circumstances may prevent them to enjoy the holidays to the fullest.  Someone who has recently been diagnosis with a deteriorating disease, someone who found out they have days to weeks to live, someone who just randomly gotten hit and killed, someone who is mourning a love one, someone who failed to appreciate life, someone who been laid off, someone who can't afford food, someone who feels as if they have failed there family, someone who is trying to feed their child but sacrifices one plate of food to the child while they starve.  Know not to feel sorry for them but to pray that they can find the strength to keep moving forward.  People are realizing, life is too short and fail to realize while the are rushing to enjoy the life they want -- they hurt those who have gotten pushed down or out of the way...those are the people who truly cared.  There is no telling who is happy and who isn't - but when you rush through life, you miss out on what makes life beautiful.  The simplest things in life go under-appreciated and unrecognized because no one took the time to slow down and enjoy it.

We can be healthy as an ox one day and the next - who knows?  God always has a plan for each of us and it seems to me that everyone has been taking matters into their own hands.  I've seen people complain about not getting what they question is to them, "Did God want that for you or not?"  If not...try letting go and let him show you the way, trust in him with all your heart and he will bring you through.  Faith is so little today...I can tell.

While I know some mean well, I must say not to worry about me so much.  Yes, I am struggling but my struggles are what makes me stronger.  Yes, I'm single (so what!), but my day will come whether I'm still young or very old - I'm in no rush.  My life experiences - had taught me a lot yet I have never been on a plane nor in an airport; i have never been out west or overseas or the Caribbeans or even to Canada or Niagara Falls!  ::Laughs:: But that's okay, because maybe one day I will enjoy those travels, but from a way better perspective.  Life is so precious, to me I'll hold on tight to what is dear to me yet I know at the same time I will have to let go.  I know at times I'm distant and at times I'm "just there" - but I'm just taking a moment to witness the human interactions and their reactions.  Sometimes what I see and hear are to separate things and I find that they usually are.  However, by the end of the day I can tell who cares about who and who doesn't.  I can easily disapprove of an interaction that is not pure because I know something about that interaction is tinted.  Yet, it amazes me how often people put on an act just to please each other. That act drives me nuts because it is not honest or real, its very fake.  When someone walks up to me and they know I don't like them, depending on the setting and environment I might just smile and say something through my teeth - nothing nice either- just enough for them to stay the hell away from me. Pardon the language.

Under circumstances - whether life seems to be going easy, smooth and like a dream or bumpy, disruptive or downhill, we got to take time out to enjoy the small things in life.  Appreciate what we do have, not focus so much on what we don't have.  Stop taking advantage of people who are kind enough to keep giving you chance after chance, learn to appreciate them because they know they are being taken advantage of and yet they invest in you because they see something in you that could be great.  Life is complex - when you spin one web and you don't see it through and you start a new one, but a part of you want to combine the web will fall out while the other web is damaged and will need repairs.  Webs spun can harm more than you can ever realize.  One simple web, one organized web means life is good and blessed.  It becomes a home with a peace of mind.

So think about it, while some of us are blessed to have shelter and food, some are not as blessed yet they are in a way.


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