Faith - Keep it Real

 *This piece was originally posted on my Facebook in July 2011

This past weekend, I went camping with my ladies and had a blast.  On our last night me and my sis/friend Sarah had a good conversation.   She said something that made me realized something about myself, "People say they have faith but you show real faith because you have manage to overcome a lot and continue to move on and do well."  Its true, people speak that they have faith when really they have none.

When you are down and out or going through a tough time, do you think positive or negative? Do you curse God or thank him or ask for help from him?  Just think about it.  There was a scripture I was reading last night and it silent me, in a good way.  It got me thinking about the quality of any individual I meet along the way.  It got me thinking about the ways of the world and how faith is quickly going out the window.  You have to give your heart to God, he will guide it and protect it, he will help you heal as long as you entrust yourself in his son and him.

Faith - isn't about being religious or being right or wrong, its about loving yourself from deep within and knowing that depth of your soul belongs to our maker.  Its about, looking past what has been and recognizing our blessings we already have been blessed with.  It's about knowing what calmness is, knowing what peace is, and most importantly knowing what true love really is.

Love starts with you, loving yourself for who you are.  Love will help you deal with many situations in your lifetime, just know, self-love is very powerful.  We receive love every day in means of small blessings.  Love is not just a word, it is a feeling, a deep one.  It should not be taken lightly or as a joke.  It should be cherished and nurtured til the end of time.  Don't be quick to anger or quick to get a revenge for getting hurt, retreat and recoup then move on, because God has a plan better than the one you are probably thinking of now.  Regardless, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

Everyday, I have obstacles I have to overcome.  My life looks like I have had it easy, but really I never had it easy.  It takes a lot of work for me to keep working towards a higher goal in my life.  I had to master patience to keep sane, learn to stop and listen, learn to think and work through whatever situations I am dealing with.  Life is short, very short.  I know first hand what's it like to bury your little sister and not meet the other two who died shortly after being born.  I know first hand what it is like to lose a mother and your whole world is just empty.  I know what it is like to lose a love so deep, its a dagger that pierce through your soul, over and over and over again.  I know loss - it hurts like hell and I know it well.  Loss can make you ask a million of questions and it can anger you.   The thing is - you can't stop living, the world is still moving forward, life still goes on and its your job to make the best of it.  Love one another, cherish one another, and let one another know they are loved no matter what.  "Love thy enemy" - even if they do the worst - love them anyways.  Don't take matters into you own hands, just say, "God knows what to do."  God is the protector to everything in and around you.

Keeping the faith requires truth, honesty and loyalty.  Keeping it real requires discipline, patience, understanding, and wisdom.  Keep in mind, we are all different, we live different lives, but by the end of the day we are all human beings and we need to feed the soul with respect.   You never know a person well, unless you know their story.  So stand guarded and know faith is never-ending.

*NOTE* If you feel like sharing this with someone, feel free to share. Be Blessed!


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