Life Goes On

Today I just bid farewell to my grandmother as I laid her to rest on top of my mother who went before her.  She lived to be 93 years old.

Today I got to see faces I have not seen in years, almost a decade for most.  Driving into my hometown was like a trip down memory lane and driving past my old home, where I was raised by my grandma only gave me a sense of hope that betters days are yet to come.

It has been three years since I last saw my grandma.  She was still moving around and talking, making sure she was on the move.  The one thing about her no matter what she always took home with her and today we all know she is home with the Lord.

I have not been writing as much due to life events taking its place.  However, it is in my experience that no matter what, I am always thinking about what events in my life taught me to be the person I am, the woman I am today.  I smile today because I know deep down inside  I have grown from all the hurt, the pain and the toughest times in my life.  Today I am still growing, but smiling more and more each day.

My life is a work in progress, my story is a work in progress.  Everything I do is a work in progress.  I know I may not get it right the first time but I can gurantee you I will get it the second time around.  I don't believe in missed opportunities because there are unlimited opportunities out there for all of us.  So if someone tells you, "You've missed out on a good opportunity," tell them that something better is waiting for you.

I know in life we will get so down in the funk and lose sight of everything that matters and I also understand how hard it is to see the good in life when everything is looking so bleak.  It's rough.  Sometimes you have to get out or go away for a while to figure some things out for yourself.  One of the things I used to do when I was working a flexible job was go away on mini-vacations to clear my head and breathe in a new fresh of air in a thriving or busy city such as New York or Philadelphia.  I know, I know - they are both big cities with their own reputations but they are rich in culture, history, ideas, arts and much, much more.  I even go out to the country when I can, lots of open spaces, fresh clean air, crips cool nights, and beauty hidden in the deep vallys.  I even go to visit state parks for a few days with close friends.  We all go camping and hiking as well as dipping in a fresh cool lake during the hot summer.  Sometimes all we need is just a small break away from our daily environment just to catch that fresh breath of air we all crave.

I even invited friends from out of the state to come visit me if and when they can.  I am always encouraging others to break out of their daily lives and go somewhere, anywhere to free their minds and souls from the chains of long work days and the stresses of life.  No, it's not running away.  It is taking a momentary needed break, mental, spiritual and physical break from the burdens of life. 

So in closing, no matter how many curve balls life will throw at you, know for every trial and tribulations we go through it is only to make us stronger and better.


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