
Showing posts from June, 2013

CI Update: 7-month Post-activation

I know it has been a while since I last posted a blog or note.  So today I will share with you my update. Today I went in for my new mapping appointment (in layman terms another adjustment for my processor).  It sounds much more comfortable and "normalized" or "balanced" I should say. I went into the testing booth again, this time I'm borderline normal to mild to moderated hearing loss.  Which is okay, as I'm still getting used to hearing more and more sounds.  As a normal hearing person, you may not even think about the sounds you do hear, but as a person relearning how to hear in a new way, there are too many sounds to list!!!!  I will be honest, in the first few months it was all "wow" moments and as time went by for me, I just couldn't keep up with what I was hearing! During the week of my son's and his father's birthday, I went a few hours in the morning without my hearing aid and just relied on my CI ear.  I was

Ado to a Sailor

There is a swift wind picking up. The waters are getting anxious, rough. Not sure, Not aware, Not seeing, The dangers ahead. It's clear as day, but things so blurry. The heart beats for its life. Something's approaching, Something unnerved, Something unexpected. It's not good, the soul feels it. Yet, it has to happen, but why? Fear, it has a way of creating confusion. Fear, it has a way of creating negativity. Fear, it has a way of distorting truth. Fear, it has a way of not listening to the voice of reasoning. Fear also has a way of not wanting to accept something. Fear also has a way of preventing positive things from happening, Fear has a way of doing more harm, than good. So what is one to do? Be honest, Be truthful, Be faithful, and trust that God will bring you through the storm. Doing the right thing, is never easy. Making the right choices, comes with struggles. Making the "easy" choices, it is almost, always not