Ado to a Sailor

There is a swift wind picking up.
The waters are getting anxious, rough.
Not sure,
Not aware,
Not seeing,
The dangers ahead.

It's clear as day,
but things so blurry.
The heart beats for its life.
Something's approaching,
Something unnerved,
Something unexpected.

It's not good,
the soul feels it.
Yet, it has to happen,
but why?

it has a way of creating confusion.
it has a way of creating negativity.
it has a way of distorting truth.
it has a way of not listening to the voice of reasoning.

Fear also has a way of not wanting to accept something.
Fear also has a way of preventing positive things from happening,
Fear has a way of doing more harm, than good.
So what is one to do?

Be honest,
Be truthful,
Be faithful,
and trust that God will bring you through the storm.

Doing the right thing,
is never easy.
Making the right choices,
comes with struggles.
Making the "easy" choices,
it is almost, always not going to give one the result they are looking for.
So the "easy" choice becomes,
the less favorable outcome,
with one burning through all their plans.

Hard choices,
can either make or break a person's spirit,
It is all in how you decide how you control the sails.
The wind,
it cannot be controlled.
Just like bigger things at play,
can't be controlled.

Sometimes the waters will change,
sometimes it will drown us,
sometimes it will pull us under,
sometimes it will knock us around,
until we are no longer aware,
no longer awake,
just lifeless.

The wind contributes to the currents.
A cautioned sailor would know,
all the warning signs.
Who can blame that sailor?
That sailor been lifeless before,
that sailor knows it's the little moments that count.
That sailor knows,
life flows like the waters,
the wind can change your course,
it can also change your life.
The question is,
how vaulable is your life to you?
What matters?

The sailor,
is lonely but is so for a reason.
He lost his mate,
in the mist of the storms.
He lost his friends as well.
He lost a lot.
Yet, he still sails, but does so cautiously.

The value of human life can never be replaced.
The memories are all that is left.
As the sailor approaches the horizons,
he watches the clips of his life before his eyes,
on a sunset so beautiful,
he cries.

He realized, in that moment,
it was really the small things in life
that really mattered the most.
He cried because his focus was on the big things,
he realized the small things are what makes life worthwhile.

So now he sails,
passing by ships,
whales, fishes, and people.
He appreciates life to a depth no man,
ever could possibly comprehend.
He is at peace with himself,
he smiles now while he sees those little moments,
moments we all fail to take in.

It is indeed a hard life,
but it was through grace and mercy,
forgiveness and love,
that this sailor was able to survive the worst.

the waters will get rough,
the winds will blow swiftly,
life will experience death,
rebirth and a dream.
in the end, we will have to ask ourselves,
"Did I love enough to do the right thing?"
"Did I love enough the do the heardest thing?"
"Did I love enough to enjoy the small moments, that I will not get to experience again?"
"Did I love...."
And it goes on.

This sailor,
had it all, but lost it all.
Yet, found himself.

What's precious to you? What is important to you? If something unexpectedly happen how would you deal? The ones we love are not always going to be around. The one's we hold dear are not going to be around either. So as an individual, what would you do? Freeze up or move on?  Moving on is like the rough waters, trying to navigate your way, but it's a pull and a tug. It does get tiring, it does get unbearable. The human body can only withstand so much.  The human heart can only bear so much.  The human mind can only comprehend what it can.  The spirit can only soar when truth is accepted.  And yes, truth can hurt like hell better that then to be told a lie to spare the human feelings when it will hurt ten times more down the road. Rise your glasses to the sailor, who endured life's hardest moments.

Written By:  Gloria M. Matthews


  1. Gloria this is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL...YOU ARE so talented...write on....


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