CI Update: 7-month Post-activation

I know it has been a while since I last posted a blog or note.  So today I will share with you my update.

Today I went in for my new mapping appointment (in layman terms another adjustment for my processor).  It sounds much more comfortable and "normalized" or "balanced" I should say.

I went into the testing booth again, this time I'm borderline normal to mild to moderated hearing loss.  Which is okay, as I'm still getting used to hearing more and more sounds.  As a normal hearing person, you may not even think about the sounds you do hear, but as a person relearning how to hear in a new way, there are too many sounds to list!!!!  I will be honest, in the first few months it was all "wow" moments and as time went by for me, I just couldn't keep up with what I was hearing!

During the week of my son's and his father's birthday, I went a few hours in the morning without my hearing aid and just relied on my CI ear.  I was able to have a conversation with the both of them without really struggling.  Kinda a nice change for me.  With that being said, I did way better on the word recognition test without reading lips plus I was about to recall three full sentences without lipreading and pick out the words from the sentences I did not "catch" completely.  So I am doing well, for someone who doesn't always have the time to practice aural rehabilitation.  I am showing improvement and have exceeded my audiologist expectations.  She was not expecting me to make such an improvement!

I'm always talking to someone, or out and about or attending events that involves my son and/or myself.  I am a busy mama.  If I haven't been communicating much online, I've been occupied all month and looks like for the rest of my summer.  In case you haven't heard, I am the Co-Manager of Social Media for the Buffalo Implant Group.  I am also looking into becoming a Volunteer for Cochlear Americas, so I am busy reading the latest news on hearing loss, technology, medical and science.  Sometimes, I get my information from people I know online and in person, since I cannot be two or three places at once!  So its all about networking!  I never though I would be back into the networking game again, but I AM!

It's nice to actually be able to just relax and know I'm doing the best that I humanly can do.  It's also nice to know that I can be more confident again.  The one thing I got to say, after attending my best friend's wedding earlier this month (and it was my first ever wedding to attend), it was also my first loud environment I had been exposed to since wearing my processor.  The aftermath was loud, my voice volume went loud and I stayed that way for almost a week because my brain had to come back down to "normal" sounds.  So in a way, no matter what volume I put on I was still loud, but I'm back down to normal talking levels again.  I still gotta work on lowering my voice, but that will come in due time.  I also noticed just after one or two alcoholic beverages it's almost impossible to follow a conversation or to talk in whispers....I'll admit I do get giggly.  Keep in mind, this month was the first time in a year I had alcohol, well a little more than a year actually.  But it's all good.  It's nice to be out again and enjoying myself.

Well that is all for now!  Peace!


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