
Showing posts from November, 2013

Getting Back in Touch

Still-life pumpkin 11/21/13 By Gloria M. Matthews (First still-life in six years) Six weeks of dealing with back to back illnesses and six weeks of lots of thoughts.  However, in those six weeks I had to tolerate balancing motherhood with household duties as well as personal responsibilities. This past week was the first full week I felt good. My stomach issues still remind subtle but under control.  As I started to feel better with each passing day, I got my passion and determination back to draw, to paint, to write, and to get creative again.  I don't know what it is, but for the last six years I've been itching to be the creative person I once was so many years ago.  I studied art for years but never majored in it for it was something I could never have under the microscope of "grades".  I believed as artists we are storytellers through our works. I posted my most recent work on to my FB page and for those who knew me in my younger years have remembered I u

One Year Anniverisity with Cochlear Implant

Let me start off by saying it's been a year! Already!  However, due to being ill for the last few months, it has interfered with my ability to process sounds well with my CI ear. Prior to getting sick, I was JUST starting to normalize out with all the sounds around me and I was doing just fine in getting to listening better in noise.   Now, I kind of have to go through a detox from all my medicines which I must stop completely and for good as my doctor thinks it's causing my stomach issues. So if you ask me do I regret it?  No, I don't.  I will say I still got a way to go on my part.  I'm not 100% YET or close to it.  But I am slowly building my way up.  I do listen to audio, but I get tired out fast.  My situation of being a single mom of an active Kindergartener and other things I'm swamped by.  But I do go out and chat with my friends and meet with those in the cochlear implant group(s), when I can.  Sometimes, finding time for me is just enough

Health Issues are No Fun

You know how people are quick to comment or make remarks about things that they have no idea about?  Well, I have dealt with my fair share of those over the years.  Granted, while I knew some meant well just out of concern others - well they got to be a bit bossy and pushed unrealistic "ideals" towards my way.  You can bet I walked away from them for good. Over the years, I have always been the athlete, the artist, the thinker, writer, idealist, and a whole other bunch of hats.  However, because I am considered young (newly 30 yrs. old), for years I had to keep my health issues at bay and focus on things that were positive for me.  I love writing, but hate academic writing (most professors on the junior level gave me hell for my grammar and all those petty little details for a hard of hearing/late deafen student doesn't always hear EVERYTHING!)  But my ideas are well put and written.  I love drawing, when I can.  I love reading, researching and learning new things every