Health Issues are No Fun

You know how people are quick to comment or make remarks about things that they have no idea about?  Well, I have dealt with my fair share of those over the years.  Granted, while I knew some meant well just out of concern others - well they got to be a bit bossy and pushed unrealistic "ideals" towards my way.  You can bet I walked away from them for good.

Over the years, I have always been the athlete, the artist, the thinker, writer, idealist, and a whole other bunch of hats.  However, because I am considered young (newly 30 yrs. old), for years I had to keep my health issues at bay and focus on things that were positive for me.  I love writing, but hate academic writing (most professors on the junior level gave me hell for my grammar and all those petty little details for a hard of hearing/late deafen student doesn't always hear EVERYTHING!)  But my ideas are well put and written.  I love drawing, when I can.  I love reading, researching and learning new things everyday.  I love going for long walks and every now and then a run when my body can tolerate it.  I love doing things that keep me busy and active.

The last six weeks I have been dealing with back to back illnesses.  It all started in late September, as I know its that time of the year when my allergies flare up big time. That lasted into the second week of October.  Just as I thought I was okay - BAM!  I catch a cold.  So I'm feeling pretty miserable as I got up and coming events I decided to participate in at my son's school, I had Religion Studies, meetings to attend to and a few other stuff I had planned out.  I ended up canceling out my entire month!  Just as I had thought I had gotten over the cold, not even a full 12 hours had passed I ended up with body aches, a slight fever and feeling crappy.  Of course, I'm a single mom and I can't really afford to keep getting sick.  So I kinda went, "What the hell man?"  So I treated it as a flu and all the symptoms went away.  That's the third week of October.  Going into the forth week I somehow in God's name came down with Bronchitis! I mean come on body! Seriously?!!!!! This is when I decided to see my doctor in person.  I got put on a steroid inhaler for two weeks and it cleared up the bronchitis very good but then I got hit with a sinus infection and from the end of October til last Tuesday I was on a high dose antibiotics another 2 week treatment. Oh and get this, just before I took my last dose I also came down with a yeast infection and had to take a pill for that!  Like seriously...I don't want anymore pills at this moment.  So it has been officially a week that I've been off the antibiotic and anti-fugal meds. Yesterday, I found myself back in the doctors office only to learn I now have a digestive infection and had to be put on a different kind of antibiotic to treat it.  How did that come to be? The high dose antibiotic pretty much wiped out my good bacteria.  I can see why there is a limit on how much antibiotics a patient can take due to contracting MRSA.  My personal doctor did not prescribe that high dose antibiotic, his associate did.  So when we were talking we both looked at each other and definitely agreed no more antibiotic, not after the symptoms I presented to him.  Yet he was like for the digestive tract you need to treat it with another antibiotic and he was not all that comfortable with that choice and I wouldn't blame him.  Plus, I have to do a uncomfortable lab test and will have to pick up the kit from the lab sometimes today given I can get through the cold without bending over. Ugh! Oh and let not forget to mention I was also dehydrated and still am to a degree, but drinking Powerade and plenty of water! I would love natural remedies.

As for my lungs- I think black mold was the trigger.  I had to have maintenance come in to remove the chalking that filled one corner of the tub as it was turning into black mold just to see if it would ease up my health issues as I almost lost a lung to Black Mold exactly 10 years ago.  Black mold is no joke and bleach doesn't work on it.  Bleach will work on other kinds of molds but not black as it is aggressive and grows right into walls and cements.  Most people don't know this, but because I have lived through it, it can wreck havoc on your overall health.  Seriously, if you see anything black get it tested for black mold.  It can grow anywhere where there is moisture.  Since the removal it has gotten easier but I will say I have been cleaning away the chalk along the tub and wall because of the mold growth.  I just couldn't touch that one corner as I am highly susceptible to black mold even though I have cleaned that corner many times myself.

I am doing my best to stay focus but I feel like I'm living in a torture chamber.  I am indeed drained but because I've been through a lot in my 30 years I'm a survivor in many different ways.  So my body is in survivor mode and which is why I am able to get through my days without collapsing when my doctor told me I should be looking a lot worst.  Well, all I can say is I pray that I get better and that those who are dealing with similar or worst health issues will have the strength to keep fighting.  Luckily, I'm not working or in school.  If I was in school, I would be forced to take another medical leave, not my third or fourth time either.  Yes, I do have a period where I'm 100% but that is such a short period for me and trust me, I take advantage of doing more in that period because I know my body well.  It's just difficult to juggle everything and people expect me to finish school or go back to work and they don't realize that my immune system is not the strongest.  They all have said it's all in my head, but if that was the case I wouldn't be complaining about canceling out my entire schedule or a part of my life for that matter.  I am busy volunteering and I love it.  But I hate when I can't do what I love.  I know there's no living in NOT doing what you love and it's hard to just sit back and rest knowing what you are missing out on.

There are some of us who want to work but when medical crisis hit, how can people be cold and judgmental?  And when those very people get sick and they get the same cold and judgmental treatment, you get what you sow.  Mind over matter?  Only in some area of life and when it comes to our health, we wish it was just that easy.  It takes training to get the mind to not think about what your body is screaming at you to do.  It takes a while to regain strength.  It's really no fun at all.  I like being active and busy, but to sit around and not do anything, not much of an option as I still help my son with his homework.  It's a pain, but when you are the only parent, you learn to suck it up even when knowing what will follow after the fact.

Life is just amazing in a lot of ways.  We forget to appreciate ourselves and treat ourselves well.  Forget what the world is telling you, only you know your life better than anyone else.  I would never enforced anything upon someone who is feeling sick or just plain down on life.  I get and accept that everyone is different in a lot of regards.  I wouldn't even recommend one to give up their talents but to keep working at it.  You gotta have something that enlightens the soul and releases those bottled up emotions.  Letting something out is also good for your mental well being.  Life will not be simple as we wish it to be, sometimes we just gotta suck it up and hold on tight for a wild ride and still try to remain sane during the process because when that part of the ride is done, we have got to come out better not babbling and looking lost and not there. But most importantly, you gotta learn to have faith.  Faith can grow if you allow it.  I'm in good spirits even though I'm suffering, but in good spirits.  Faith is what keeps me in good spirits. Other would probably not understand that but you know what that is okay.  I can know all the bad but I will not let the bad keep me down because I've been there done that - not a pretty ending.  I choose to be positive because it is my choice.  If others got a problem with being positive, hey that is them.  I am also realistic so trust me, I'm gonna keep smiling in the face of adversity and keep my spirit alive and well.


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