
Showing posts from December, 2013

A New Year: Moving Forward

In life, we tend to hold back ourselves, our feelings, our issues, and a host of other things.  We fear retributions from those around us for just simply being open and honest with them.  However, those who fail to realize that the person who is actually being honest is actually telling them the truth about how they feel towards them.  The problem is, that person doesn't want to accept it nor believe in because in their defense they were "right" to do so.  Well, newsflash, one's perception is not going to be perceived the same way as the other, but to assume people "get it" is wrong on all levels. Today we live in a society of "miscommunications".  We don't deal with each other or even face each other, we talk to others about others instead because it's easier to do that instead of confronting the person you are having a problem with.  Then there are situations where some people have confronted the person more than three times and the oth

Christmas and Joy

This past Sunday, my priest spoke of Joy and Happiness.  Especially around this time of the year, when love ones gather to celebrate the holiday seasons with one another and to share their stories with one another.  Meanwhile, there are those of us who will be celebrating the holidays without love ones. What is the meaning of Christmas to you?  Christmas to me used to bring about happy memories of waking up on Christmas morning, sliding down the stairs in my grandmother's house and looking into the living room with lots and lots of presents.  Suddenly one year, that all changed.  In 1993, I lost my nine month old baby sister two weeks before her first Christmas.  I had just turned ten not even two months pass.  It was the first death that really hit home for me.  That Christmas, I will never forget how full my grandmother's living room was that year with presents.  If you have ever been in the house, there were presents from wall to wall and very little space

Today's Economy: Is it better or worst?

This is just an opinion piece, so bear with me. Just over the last few days, I've been reading up on cuts on SNAP programs and the effects of such cuts in the Farm Bill.  I must say, I don't think the politicians understand the complexity of what life is like for the lower class or those who are struggling middle class or the working poor.  They are looking at the so-called "bigger" picture which is to reduce the National Debt but at whose expense really?  We have a growing gap between the rich and the poor and what is being done about that gap?  I say nothing really.  Every policy I have selectively read puts a lot of people between a rock and a hard place, so yes, many Americans and their families will feel things get tighter and tighter until they have very little left.  Is this a direction our country in heading into?  I think so. The economy for the overall US may be slowly growing, but the issue remains for many: JOBS.  I read an article that quoted a politi