A New Year: Moving Forward

In life, we tend to hold back ourselves, our feelings, our issues, and a host of other things.  We fear retributions from those around us for just simply being open and honest with them.  However, those who fail to realize that the person who is actually being honest is actually telling them the truth about how they feel towards them.  The problem is, that person doesn't want to accept it nor believe in because in their defense they were "right" to do so.  Well, newsflash, one's perception is not going to be perceived the same way as the other, but to assume people "get it" is wrong on all levels.

Today we live in a society of "miscommunications".  We don't deal with each other or even face each other, we talk to others about others instead because it's easier to do that instead of confronting the person you are having a problem with.  Then there are situations where some people have confronted the person more than three times and the other person still doesn't get it.  So what happens?  The person who actually did the confrontation walks away and stays away for good.  They don't want to be around that person or even be associated with them because they cannot change how they approach them.  So not everything is paper-cut easy.  Today, because of the wealth of information out there, people can take it so far as to being know-it-all and "experienced" that some fail to realize that those who have physically, mentally and emotionally experienced something can call them out on their "false" experiences because they don't understand just how deep any experience can get.  You can tell because of how they speak and how they express their so-called experiences and you know with little to no emotions in their words, they read it from a psychology course or a sociology course or even humanities.  Thing is, when there is a lack of connection, the person who is really going through it will know it and get on the defense fast.  I know people who mean well and want to help, but they cannot save the world or even everyone.  They gotta learn if they haven't gone through it personally, then they have no business trying to use someone's else situation to make the connection for themselves.  Not every situation will be the same, not every situation will receive the same end results.  For every situation, the individuals will not all be the same, therefore no matter how similar many situations may be, its the individuals who are involved that will be totally different from each other situations known.  It is the individuals in the situation that determine the outcome of the situation overall. There are no ifs, ands or buts about it.  The individuals directly involved are the ones who can bring about a positive or negative result.

With the New Year around the corner, it's nice to tie up loose ends, to clear up things, to put an end to bitterness and to make plans to move forward.  It is also a good time to cut people off who hinder you from moving forward in other aspects of your life, who aggravate the problem(s) more by being "right" in their eyes, when they are not.  People who love to have control always want to know what is new so that they can be your "guidance" person at all time.  For someone like myself, I would simply say "No, thanks.  I got this!"  For myself, I deal with my life differently and some people don't quite like it because I put in the effort to be peaceful in ALL aspects of my life.  Thing is, I could care less if they don't like it because they are not living the life I am living; they don't know the things I know; they don't know the details of my life like I do and they ain't getting every single detail out of me either.  Bottom line it is my life.  Bottom line it is your life and you don't need approval from others to live it, just live it the best you know how.  Live your life according to our own standards and live it comfortably.  Just be sure to keep it clean and good for you.  If you want to live a spiritual life, good for you, that is your choice and no one can take that away.  We all have choices and no, not every choice will be easy, but it will help you grow into a better person.

I am looking forward to 2014 with ease and a peace of mind.  No journey in life will be smooth sailing.  Some of us may hit rough spots on the waters and through controlling the sails with ropes attached, we slowly gain not only strength but control over our emotions, mentalities and situations.  Sometimes while on those rough waters we will find a friend who is willing to join in and to help out.  Sometimes that friend may turn out to be an unexpected friend.  So we don't know who will be by our sides or who will show up, but we gotta learn to be open and learn that a little help may just be necessary. Here to a New Year and a year to move forward with ease.


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