I Miss You

No, I won't miss you.
I will miss the moments spent 
with you;
 I will miss the time spent
with you,
But I won't miss you.

I will miss the wild and crazy
adventures we had;
I will miss those crazy days and
nights we had,
But I won't miss you.
How can I miss someone,
when I am watching you grow,
change and evolve into 
a different person,
yet remain your true self?
I can't miss you,
because I am watching you,
talking to you,
making plans with you.
I can't miss you,
because for every achievement,
for every special moment,
for every opportunity you take, 
it brings me great joy
to just see you happy!
So don't be sad my dear(s).
I'm always thinking of you.
Hoping life treats you well;
Praying life goes smoothly,
even though I know hard times happens.
So, take this:
I will always treasure the
time spent with you.
For know this,
it brings a smile to my face when my days seem bleak.
Written By:  Gloria M. Matthews


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