'Tis The Season

Being someone who always tends to linger on the outside, I do take on different perspectives on life.  This Holiday Season should be one of reflection, one of gratitude, one of realizations and one of humanity.  In recent weeks, there have been a lot of unrest across the country and while it is sadden to witness lives taken and lives destroyed, we all need to recognize that we are first and foremost human beings.  We must also recognize and accept the differences that makes us all unique and talented in different areas of life.  I just can't believe we are approaching 2015 and yet there's still a long way to go to have equal treatment and opportunities for all.

This Holiday I will look forward to my third Christmas with my cochlear implant in hopes that this time I can listen with ease to Christmas music with family.  Last year I was struggling due to my many sinus infections, but this year, I did what I needed to do and so far been good.  I do my best to utilize the Netti Pot daily and use my prescription nasal spray to keep my post-nasal drip at bay and preventing the unnecessary sore throat and upset stomach that comes along with it.  If I feel that my sinuses are not relieved by the two methods alone, I add in a decongestant that you can only get from behind the pharmacy's counter as needed.  During high time for allergy seasons,  I add in Zyrtec for relief as needed.  Hence, to avoid the usage of antibiotics.  It's important to pay attention to head colds, flu and sinus infections as they all have a tendency of building up fluid in the inner ear which can affect how one hears with the CI.  Anyone with any of the above mentioned illnesses, will have to deal with some degree of muffled sounds be it with hearing aids, CIs or without, it affects us all differently.

As I look forward to traveling once again, it will be a nice release for me.  I know I just need a nice break and some much needed adult conversations and time to just relax and explore a bit.  The holidays are never easy for me, but I do love seeing the joy in my son's face and our family's interactions.  There's nothing like spending time with family.

While I know there are a few families out there who will be celebrating the Holidays without one or more of their love ones here, please be kind and be a light for them.  It's not easy to deal with loss, especially around this time of the year.  There is no time limit on grieving. However, with each passing year the ones we've loss will always be with us in our hearts and we'll miss them dearly but we go on and we live our lives to the best of our abilities and we learn to love and appreciate each other a little bit more.  So even if it hurts to smile, it's okay to shed a tear.  Just know, they would want to see you happy and enjoying life.

If anything, this year has been a refresher for me.  It was nice to see small changes and improved communications and I'm just so grateful for that.  It has reduced my stress level to a degree and my anxiety that always seemed to have prevented me from speaking up.  I still got work on my part to do, but as long as things are improving, I'm good.  Life has a way of surprising us, be it good or bad.  There are some things that are not within our control and their are some things that just suddenly becomes overwhelming.  What I have learned through the bad is to always remember the good, to always look for the good in the bad.  It ain't easy, I'll tell you that, but it's better then being angry all the time.  Sometimes, the bad times teaches us something and sometimes it's a harsh lesson.  Sometimes it's a wake-up call.  Whatever it is, bad times happens for a reason.  Don't let it destroy you or damage what is good already.  Let it help you become a better and stronger version of yourselves.

Changes happens and it happens to us all.  We are not the same persons we were a year ago, five years ago or even ten years ago.  We evolve, we grow, we become wiser with age and experiences, we become more aware of our surroundings and we learn more about life as we move forward in time.  No one has the same goals anymore or visions, they too change and evolve into something more achievable and realistic.  I know changes are hard for some folks but not all changes are bad.  Sometimes a change can bring about new experiences in life and it can also bring about uncomfortable experiences as well.  The goal is to learn to embrace it and gain as much perspective as you can and most importantly keep an open mind and an open heart. We all view the world with different lens and I know sometimes it can be hard to look through the same lens as someone else's.  Just remember our experiences do play a role in how we view the world around us, but we must learn to adapt to how others' experiences have shaped how they also view the world around them.  "Walk a mile in their shoes...." if you heard this, it's true.  If you haven't experienced what another person has gone through, be mindful of what you say and/or do around them.    No one situation is or will be exactly the same due to it involving different personalities and backgrounds.  Yes, many situations can be similar but never really, truly the same.

So I will end this blog with one of my favorite Christmas song, "My Grown Up Christmas List".  So forgive one another and love one another for we don't know what tomorrow may bring.  Don't wait to say you're sorry for all you've done because maybe that is something someone is waiting to hear before their time is up.  If that someone is waiting to hear an apology, that means they still got love in their heart and are willing to forgive you.  No one is perfect and we all make mistakes.  So be kind, generous, and understanding this Holiday Season.  I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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