Income Inequality: My take

Early this morning, as with any other morning, I check the news online.  I've been reading dozens of articles on monetary funds, social issues and more.  Out of all of those, income inequality seems to bug me.

I've heard and read pieces from both sides, including those in the middle.  Some feel like it is an attack on the 1% and others seem to have other reasonings behind it.  However, I don't necessarily see it as an attack, I see it as a reflection of policies that have given the rich more than enough to blind them from seeing the real results that are affecting the average American Citizen.  I read an article that noted how today's citizens are now referred to as "taxpayers" rather than citizens.  Then I thought about it and said to myself, "It seems that the current reality is we have become less than "citizens" and reduced to "taxpayers" as if our money defines who and what we are.  But money shouldn't define who individuals are, we are to be first and foremost "Citizens" who are human beings with basic needs that needs to be met.  It is through equal opportunities that individuals and families can succeed and be financially independent.  However, the term "equal opportunities" doesn't seem to be given to all regardless of the backgrounds of all individuals who are trying to better themselves and their lives.

The term "Lazy" and "Unmotivated" seems to get thrown around a lot these days about those who are working but not making enough to support themselves.  The reality that is often ignored of those who may have one job, but are constantly seeking a second or third job just to meet the growing cost of living in their region; it's crushing people to make impossible choices.  Some folks have risked their own health just to work and make ends meet.  Yet, it's their fault that they are in that position. I beg to differ.  Not everyone has a rich family member or friend to help them out.  Not everyone has access to networking or the ability to move fluidly in life.  Not everyone has friends who can lend them support financially because everyone just seems to be struggling these days just to get by.  Often, when one or a group make a remark about something, they fail to ask those why they are struggling and to be honest if they did ask, they would actually understand the complexity of policies that sound good for some but bad news for everyone else.  Therefore, a balance must be achieved. A compromise.

However, since we are entering another election year, the citizens of the US need to make a decision.  I, for one am tired of the childish behaviors I've seen executed in the government and politics.  I, for one am tired of hearing promises.  I, for one want to hear what kind of policies will help ALL people, not just a specific group.  As a person, with a business background, I can understand how easy one can get caught up in making a lot of money, but forgetting where they once were.  I believe, when one person succeeds we all succeed.  We should be helping the next individual behind us up.  We should be helping those find their strength and build off of that.  We shouldn't be building someone up only to tear them down just to steal their natural talent or ideas for ourselves just to "look" good - we shouldn't be misleading folks into believing they are secured when they are not.  Those intentions hurt folks who give it their all and causes them to lose the motivation and the will to truly share their talents and ideas without the feeling and fear of being used and discharged.  For every negative action, will be a negative outcome.  I believe in the domino effect because whomever interacts with the individual who was mislead or used can tell the difference in their attitude and their behavior.  There is a cause and an effect.

I don't want to hear or read anymore about how people on welfare are spending away taxpayers money when in fact "welfare" which consists of food stamps and public assistance only take up a small percentage in the federal budget.  Look at the graphs on the Center on Budget.  What we fund with taxes seems to largely go into the Defense program.  Each state depends on the federal budget to determine their own state budget as each given state is given a portion of money from the federal level.  When I hear folks talk about low-income folks who are nothing but drug addicts, bums and more negative concoctions, it sickens me that they contradict themselves when a child or a family is starving in the US and they cry out there are food pantries and food stamps but learn that in some areas such programs are non-existence or out of reach.  So they resort to blaming the adults for their "irresponsibilities" only to learn they had good jobs but the recession left them with either nothing or very little.  Then it goes, "Well they've should have lived below their means then," the problem with that is, most were and when the income dropped due to lay offs and loss of jobs, the expenses far outweighed the income, causing many to downsize or move into their relatives' homes.  So is it really the people's fault for their situations that were cause by a bigger issues beyond their control? No, it's not in my opinion.  Again cause and effect - the ripple effects.

Each issue, is complex.  You can't be "it's a black and white" issue.  I can't take sides for the life of me, even when I agree with one side more than another, I still wouldn't take sides because there are realities that I feel get ignored or pushed to the side because it doesn't fit into the "perfect lil box" of either side and would undermine the purpose of both sides to any issues.

If you want to see people do better with their lives, vote for policies meant to help the vulnerable, seniors, disabled, low-income families and individuals.  Invest back into your communities and help your fellow neighbor, whether you like them or not, to succeed in helping to make each community a place where everyone can be proud to call home.  A community that takes care of one another can be a happy community, its just a matter of looking at the underlying issues that plague all communities faced with homelessness, drug issues, street violences and more.  Instead of living in fear, get familiar with the lives of those who are struggling.  Mental health is a step, but it takes more then mental help alone to get positive results.  There needs to be comprehensive plans and policies in place that are clear and precise in language for all to understand.  I would like to see a government working for the common good of the people and to look out for the interest of the people.  Not hold them hostage over special interests.  Quite frankly, I think for anyone who supports government shut downs will eventually feel the cost themselves and it will be a cost one wished to never experience.  Just remember, children whose parents may have to make sacrifices to provide for them, are paying a price too high.  Yet, folks who can afford it or those who don't have kids, put those down for having kids that "they can't afford" and shout "birth control", "adoption", or even yes "abortion". 

I swear, dysfunctional doesn't even begin to cover what I've been hearing and reading.  So many contradictions.  I'm like honestly, "WTF?" Sorry for the language but I'm a New Yorker.  What I'm seeing today is a dangerous mixture of religion and government and it's outcome quite frankly scares the crap out of me. I see all the points in a philosophical manner - but in practice especially in a diverse country, it tends to kind of throw out the respect for individual differences.  If we were all the same, life would be bland, not interesting.  We should embrace diversity and respect all for who and what they are even if that means having to swallow your pride or beliefs to maintain the peace. Yes, I know how big of a horse pill that may be for some.  But to just give it a try, see what happens.  Regardless, we are all human and we must come to the table and put aside our differences to help one another out and to create a country that can take care of the "little guys" not the "big guys."  Non-profits and community churches can only do so much. So be smart and well-informed on unbiased facts.


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