
If I have ever learned anything over the course of my life, it would be that people, things, situations, and society changes.  How things changes can either leave a good impression or a bad one.  But, we cannot control the outcome, all we can control is how we will react, deal and cope with those changes. 
No one said that life would be smooth sailing.  No one said that relationships would be easy (I know, we all wish it was). No one said family would be "happily ever-after". No one never said any of those things.  Point is, life will always be challenging us to be a better individual, a better human being and more.  But more importantly it is teaching us its hardest lessons:
Learning to love ourselves and our love ones through the storms, no matter how chaotic it gets.
Learning to love, even when we are fighting to save something that died so long ago.
Learning to let go, when the love is still there but you know it's time to cut the ties.
Learning to let go, even when the feelings run so deep but the pain is too unbearable to bare and you have to cut ties.
Learning to let go, even when you really don't want to but you have to.
Learning to forgive and to move on.
Learning to forgive and to change for the better.
Learning to forgive and to appreciate the good in the bad, no matter how hard or difficult it may be.
Learning to forgive and to let go.
Learning to forgive and to make amends - if that's a situation that can allow such to happened - but this requires admitting full honest truths and mistakes made on all parts and learning to work through it without being bitter but to be respectful of each and every individual emotional reaction and state. No blaming or twisting things to make one look good and the other bad.  Just taking full ownership.  <--------- This is not something to just do, it requires work and maturity but more importantly an open communication where everyone is on the same page and no one has hidden agendas to try to get things to go their own ways.
Learning to go on, without those we love.
Learning to go on after losing love ones.
Learning to go on, when all you want to do is just hold on to a memory for just a little while longer.
Learning to go on, when all you wanted was things to be "perfect". (Newsflash: Nothing in life goes "PERFECTLY" - if you thought that and you're kinda miserable at times - just accept the fact that all of life's imperfections is what keeps life more interesting.)
Learning to accept the things you cannot change.
Learning to accept the people you know for who they are.
Learning to accept the harsh truths even when it's like a dagger entering your lungs and your heart.
Learning to accept things for what they are, even when it sucks.
Learning to just be yourself and no one else.
Learning to be okay with yourself and with who you are.
Learning to acknowledge your own self-worth and the worth of others.
Learning to acknowledge the sacrifices those made just so your life to be just a bit easier.
Learning to acknowledge those who tried their best.
Learning to acknowledge those who meant well.
Learning to acknowledge that no one is PERFECT!
Learning to acknowledge that life will have a lot of ups and downs.
Learning to acknowledge that while things may be good it doesn't always last but we fight to preserve the good in our lives.
Learning to communicate our needs and wants better.
Learning to communicate with one another.
Learning to connect with not only ourselves but with those around us as well.
Learning to be understanding.
Learning to be empathic.
Learning to be content.
Learning to be kind.
Learning to be a human being.

All these and more, life is always teaching us something.  Sometimes it's not easy to accept a lot of these things let alone put some of them to practice.  But these are the things that makes us human.  We will make mistakes.  We will take matters into our own hands and make the mistake of thinking we are 100% right to do what we had to do. We will do things without asking or getting more background information on what's going on.  We do tend to jump the bullet before learning the facts.  However, in some cases when facts are not always available and are purposely omitted to protect oneself, chances are, you're gonna wish you spoke up sooner rather than later.  Sometimes, its just not that simple.

This year was definitely a year of Changes.  I know for myself it has been grueling but as always I still  found time to still smile even when I really didn't feel like doing so.  However, this is something I was taught and it was to always smile no matter what or how bad things are, just remember to smile.  Over the years, I never knew what my smile did for others especially when they knew what was going on in my life at those times until years later.  Now, I just naturally smile even though on some days it may hurt more than others.  But, to smile just once, brings some sense of relief, some sense of hope and some sense of it's gonna be okay even when it seems like its not.  I hold on to the good and I try to keep to good on the forefront but even then the good doesn't seem to hold up for long and what may seem like good to one may seem like bad to another and vice versa. There seem to be no winning there.  Hmmm....I miss a lot of people and they may not know it, but I never forget.  If I could, I would rent a cruise ship and invite everyone I know just have fun and enjoy each other's company again.  It would be my way of saying Thank You for teaching me, being there for me and for encouraging me to be who I am in life.  It would be my way of also saying, yes, you do matter to me as well and no I would never forget the money spent to make sure I had something to eat when I went hungry secretly for weeks. I would never forget the times spent just to take my mind off of things weighting me down just to focus on my skills and talents.  I would never forget the times spent just hearing me out and let me know how strong and smart I am even when I didn't really feel like either.  Oh, if I could list every little thing, no matter how small they were, it counted towards making my life a little bit easier.

I still have a hard time accepting compliments and always have. I've gotten so used to not getting praises or recognition for a long time because my hearing loss just seemed to taken hold of a lot but when I started to get the praises and recognitions I just didn't know if they meant it or were just saying it to make me feel good about it.  Either way, I knew how hard I worked and I knew that I applied myself to the best of my ability each and every time.  The question was for me was, "Did I meet your expectations?"  If I didn't, I would not give up until I did and when I did meet the expectations, I would not show excitement all the time, I would just be glad that I did the work to the best of my abilities. I just learned to be humble and appreciate that I was given the opportunities to show my work and to show who I am.

Now, as I start a new job and a new journey, I will say I have a lot of work cut out for me in the up and coming new year on all fronts in my life.  However, I will take each day one day at a time and just live in the present while trying to build a secure future.  I don't worry so much about the future, but I do know what is done today can leave a lasting effect for years yet to come and I would want them to be good ones.

Don't hang on to things that may no longer benefit you or help you.  You may keep saying, "Oh I just want to wait and see what happens," but in all reality when all the signs are obvious, it's time to reevaluate and to step back and away and let things go.  This doesn't happen overnight, but it is a process and it's not gonna be an easy one.  However, the goal will be is to remain true to who you are and to allow this experience to be a teaching moment to help build you up and give you a sense of confidence that you may have lost a while ago.

Life is a beautiful mess.  We just got to make the best of it.  Just don't make the best of it just for the sake of maintaining status quo or image. Just be real and do the best you can while maintaining a mutual standing and respect for each other.  What is meant to be is meant to be; what isn't just isn't - so don't force it.  If you let something go and it come back the it was meant to be...sometimes it takes years for one or another to realize what they had was just what they needed in their life.  So learn to be patience with life as well. As a single parent - patience can run low on some days or most days -but for all parents it's like that - you just gotta remember to breathe and take some time to yourself to recollect.  The same goes for life in general.  You just learn to roll with the punches.  But the outcomes will depend upon how you look at it.

Well I gotta call it a night, but be good and be kind to one another.  We just may not fully understand exactly what's its like to be in another's shoes.  Peace.


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