Catching Up

It's been a minute since I've last written! I've been a busy gal, juggling work, appointments, meetings, planning, creating, brainstorming and oh just about everything!

I just got done watching "Bad Moms" and to say that is probably the most honest movie about moms ever! It was one of those movies where it gets real about dating, marriage, roles, and the whole nine yards that comes with "parenthood".  You just don't stop being mom, once you become a mom, you're a mom! I was told on several occasions to stop being "a mom" and to be myself - my old self - mind you a side-eye and an attitude of "Say what, again?!"  Thing is, your "old self" is non-existent! Everything you did prior to becoming a mom, is no longer of interest or as fun or as attractive or worth the time or effort.  I know for me personally, my whole perspective change on a lot! What was once fun, is now "eh" I think I rather sit down and have a cup of tea and actually read a good book!  But, I haven't read a book in a few years now and by my own standards that is BAD! However, it's life and as a parent, a working parent, you do everything to make sure you have all your ducks in the row!  So if you are looking for a feel good movie as a mom, definitely watch "Bad Moms".

In other news, I have been sooo busy that I haven't even had the time to write or even keep up with my own online duties.  So, here is the scoop: I have been the Community Relations Assistant for my first year and at the beginning of this year it changed to Community Relations Coordinator.  In my time, I manage social media accounts, website panels, in-house graphic designer, in-house event planner/coordinator, intern and volunteer coordinator, e-newsletter designer/writer/editor, photographer, vlog producer/editor and a host of other things.  Mind you, I am only part-time but in Community Relations - part-time isn't always part-time.  My home life, still mom full-time, just me and my son. With him he has appointments, school meetings, outside meetings and I still manage to make to fulfill my parent volunteer duties.  I'm still a Board Member for the local cochlear implant group and will now be leading a pilot program developed by me for those dealing with hearing loss.  So really, there's just no time for fun and games!  It's either get straight to the point or I'm out!

I'm constantly on the go and working on getting my driver's license and a car! Seriously, WNY needs a better public transportation system!  I love living in WNY but access to public transportation is a pain in some areas.  I actually miss the MTA and Metro-North Train Lines, but I do not miss how costly they are these day! I feel for my downstate peeps who are forking over almost 2/3 of what I get paid for monthly passes!  But if they are getting paid enough to afford it, I am happy for them because not many can.

On my cochlear experience, since I've been extremely busy, due to suffering ongoing migraines and headaches, sounds comes in super loud! My settings were perfect but something changed because with the headaches and the migraines, even the sounds I get from my hearing aid side sounded loud and at times muffled.  So sometimes it's not going to always be a technical issue, it will be a medical one where it requires having to see you primary, maybe even the ENT before setting something up with my audiologist.  Sometimes, depending on my tolerance, I may even have the adjustments made first just temporarily and then when I resolve whatever the medical issue or issues is/are, I would readjust the settings according to my comfort zone and keep going back until I feel like I am hearing "just right" to myself.  I'm 100% healthy but due to how stressed out I have been lately, and me and stress DO NOT go hand in hand AT ALL! So I will be a bit slower than normal as I recoup from pulling off a successful second spring gala and about to jump into my next event planning which is smaller and happier about because, big events take up a lot of time and the details are...don't even.  I can do art galleries and create the flow patterns and small events where you just need a few items - I'm good.  But big ones, you need a team and this year went better because we had a team.  :)  But the fact of the matter, as a mom and as a human being, I gotta make sure my own well-being is taken care of as well.

My week has been a very interesting and unusual week.  My son came down with a viral illness that had him running a fever for a few days.  Then towards the end of the week, I was shot dead tired and end up taking him in to his pediatrician to make sure everything checks out with him.  But the symptoms he experienced were so odd and out of place, even by my standards and knowledge it was honestly a, "What the heck man?"   But he's finally back to himself and I can send him back to school on Monday.  Its been a very long time since he last had a viral illness, like since he was a toddler/pre-schooler.

I am still catching up with A LOT!  But once I do I will be able to get back to my own unique routines. Any who, for the moms out there, have a Happy Mother's Day! If you're a single mama, life myself, when the kid(s) are asleep, enjoy a nice cup of tea, coffee, wine or even a beer because you deserve it! For me its definitely gonna be a nice cool glass of wine!  Remember, there's no perfect parenting, you just do whatever it takes to raise decent, good, human beings! As long as they are fed, have a roof over their heads and are safe - you're good!  Peace!


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