
Showing posts from August, 2011


Friendship... what does it really mean?  It is an interpersonal relationship generally considered to be closer than association.  In other words, you share things on a personal level that you would not share with someone who is an associate (someone you know, but don't have the intimacy of a friendship).  There are different degrees of friendships as all friendships are not the same. Each friendship has values and I will list it: The tendency to desire what is best for the other Sympathy and empathy Honesty , perhaps in situations where it may be difficult for others to speak the truth , especially in terms of pointing out the perceived faults of one's counterpart Mutual understanding and compassion ; ability to go to each other for emotional support Enjoyment of each other's company Trust in one another Positive reciprocity - a relationship is based on equal give and take between the two parties. The ability to be oneself, express one's feelings and make

Mommy Time

Tonight I got in some mommy's movie time since my son decided to go to sleep early tonight.  It had been storming all day and the rain, tends to make many sleepy.  I guess its true for those of us who are sensitive to our natural environment. Today, was just a chill day.  A day to just relax and reflect.  But today, a day I spent in deep thoughts about forgiveness, hidden blessings and truth.  Tonight, I am still thinking long and hard on how I can make a positive change within myself for the better.  For while I have been so in-tuned with the world and people I know and care about and I think I have earned the time to focus on myself. It has been a while since I have been able to write more. Now, I am going to use my time write and do what I love once again. They say you can never stop loving the things that used to make you happy.  I am learning that its true.  You may not always be doing it, but its always there, deep in the soul, its always there.  I have my own passions,

Embracing Life

Just a week ago or maybe two, I decided to shut down my own personal Facebook page.  It was more of a personal and spiritual reason for it. I understand that I communicated more with those I cared about on Facebook than through email or instant messenger.  However, due to how much personal drama and "too much information" displayed on Facebook, I honestly had to take a break from how people are hiding behind social networking sites to avoid confrontations directly.  Yet, with cyber-bullying happening and on the rise, teens through adulthood, its ridiculous. Right now, I don't miss Facebook.  I am actually sleeping better, enjoying life more and doing me.  I don't stress or worry as much or even think negative things.  I'm actually happy to have a sense of calmness and peacefulness in my life.  And for the first time since forever, I had a real summer.  An awesome summer.  I have grown up and now everything I read or see, it makes me wonder if others realizes w