
Showing posts from February, 2014

What's it like to be hard of hearing?

In my previous blog posts, I wrote I have been hard of hearing since the age of four.  So given the fact that I am now thirty, I do have insight from my own experiences growing up to being a single parent. As a child, my hearing loss range started out in the mild to moderate bilateral sensorineural hearing loss due to an unknown illness.  Now at four, they say it is important for any child to have well-developed speech and language usage.  I got held back in Kindergarten because of my hearing loss.  I felt cheated out of reading advanced books because I was hard of hearing.  I got jealous of the hearing kids because they all connected and I couldn't, even if I did make the effort, I always got some kind of backlash.  Of course, back in the 80s being made "fun of" was considered as a rite of passage in growing up, however for a child with a hearing loss it was damaging.  I became afraid of my peers to some degree, I developed a distrust among them and I always, always qu

The Past....How can you learn from it?

"View your life with kindsight. Stop beating yourself up about things from your past. Instead of slapping your forehead and asking, 'What was I thinking,' breathe and ask yourself the kinder question, 'What was I learning?'" ~Karen Salmansohn The above mentioned quote got me thinking and I got to say, we all beat ourselves up over something that has or had already happened be it big or small.  Yet, we fail to ask ourselves "What was I learning?" I have heard people tell me so many times, "To get over it!", "It's in the past, leave it alone!", "It's over, deal with it!"  Then I have heard it repeated to friends and those I know.  The problem with all those statements, no one is growing from them.  When you don't grow, you kinda remain stuck and soon enough when you become much more aware of your surroundings you'll feel stuck and wonder why you haven't moved forward.  The above men

I just wanna be...

You know in life we all have potential to do something great.  Some of us know it and some of us don't just yet.  These last few weeks have been very trying for me as I am fighting with myself about where I stand. I have always been a determined and hard working person, don't get me wrong there.  However, while I get the impression that some feel like I am currently holding myself back, just know I still got the drive I just don't have the means to do what I need to do without the added stress being put on my body.  The whole, "It's all in your mind," deal is getting old.  I actually suffer from joint and digestive issues on top of being deaf.  If I could have my 20 year old self back, then yeah no problem, I'll go for whatever it is. Now, I am a thirty year old single mom and I wear a lot of hats that comes with that title and yet for folks who are just new to me tend to think I should be doing more because "other" single moms are doing it,